Saturday, July 7, 2018

trump does it again What now? Pompeo exits North Korea empty-handed, leaving US with three options -- all of them bad


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seemingly failed to gain a single concession from North Korea after meetings Friday and Saturday in the communist nation’s capital of Pyongyang to discuss America’s demand that the North get rid its nuclear weapons.
In fact, it seems both sides can’t even agree on what was discussed or how the talks went, with the North now even threatening to walk away from its vague pledge to denuclearize.
Following Pompeo’s talks with high-ranking North Korean government official Kim Yong Chol, North Korea accused the Trump administration of making a “unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization” that was “deeply regrettable.”
In marked contrast, Pompeo called the talks “productive” and said: “These are complicated issues, but we made progress on almost all of the central issues.” However, Pompeo did not specify what progress was made.
Tellingly, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un – who rules with an iron fist and is the only one with the power to approve substantive concessions to the U.S. – did not even meet with Pompeo Friday or Saturday, although he has met with Pompeo before. That alone is evidence that Pompeo walked away from the talks largely emptyhanded.
This disappointing trip by the secretary of state can only mean one thing: The Trump administration has reached the same point that every other U.S. administration – Democrat and Republican – has reached with North Korea. When negotiations get to the point where North Korea must make concessions on its nuclear program that are substantive, officials from the North cry foul – and walk away.
Kim Jong Un seems to be carrying on a tradition in international relations begun by his grandfather and father, who ruled North Korea before him: lie, lie and lie again – and drag out talks with adversaries as long as possible without making any real concessions.
Mike Pompeo is not naive. In fact, the New York Times reported Saturday: “Privately, Mr. Pompeo has said that he doubts Mr. Kim will ever give up his nuclear weapons. And those doubts have been reinforced in recent days by intelligence showing that North Korea, far from dismantling its weapons facilities, has been expanding them and taking steps to conceal the efforts from the United States.”


  1. Eidensohn does it again! Eidensohn writes a doomsday headline that will be proven completely wrong, again.

    As to the matter at hand: Once upon a time you would have sought to have a serious discussion of what has been going on in North Korea before president Trump became the president. What was going on thereafter, and what his options were. Also, there would have been a serious discussion of what precisely you think became worse due to the president's actions, as well as what became better. And what would have happened had Hillary Clinton been president and what she would have done to handle this situation.

    Instead, you've been at it since President Trump was a candidate. You were wrong on every single negeative prediction and accusation. You have turned part of your site into a liberal Drudge Report, or more accurately, Eidensohn's Report.

    So, who is it who has not accepted the 2016 election results?

    There is a great need for your presence and success on the internet.
    You used to average 5 times as many viewers on this site, when it used to be dedicated to Jewish issues. How many have left your website because your hatred of our president, at times, seems to have overtaken the purpose of your blogging? If there would be a chance of it working, I would plead with you to begin a different website just to attack the president and to advance the leftist ideologies, while leaving this one for Jewish issues. Just make two separate sites and see how they will work out.

  2. it was not my heading see the original article

    again blind defense of any criticism of trump

  3. The original headline did not pin the blame on President Trump.

    The North Korea issue did not begin within the past two years; it began over 20 years ago, while Bill Clinton was president.

    Are you willing to have a comprehensive conversation to explain exactly what it is you are blaming President Trump for?

    I did not see anything in this opinion piece that expains or warrants you your added headline of "Trump does it again".

  4. So this is what it's all about!


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