Thursday, February 23, 2017

Former Chief Rabbi - Yonah Metzger Gets 4.5 Years in Prison After Court Rejects Plea Deal

The Jerusalem District Court rejected on Thursday a plea bargain reached with former Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger and handed down a harsher sentence of 4.5 years in prison for bribery.

Metzger was convicted in January under a plea deal. Metzger and the State Prosecution agreed on a sentence of 3.5 years in prison, the confiscation of an apartment he owns in Jerusalem, a fine and back taxes. Under the deal, Metzger pleaded guilty to accepting 5 million shekels ($1.3 million) in bribes, down from 10 million in the original indictment, while other charges – including fraud, breach of trust, and money laundering – will be dropped.

On Thursday, the court criticized the plea deal, saying it was too lenient.

Metzger’s associates said at the time that he agreed to a plea bargain because he understood that his trial would likely end in conviction. The police enlisted a state’s witness in the case whose name cannot be published.[...]


  1. Was he ever considered a Talmid Hacham by those who supported him, or a just a patsy for Degel control over the rabbanut?

  2. Where's option number 3?

  3. Hashem yaazor. What a generation.


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