Thursday, February 23, 2017

A majority of Americans are embarrassed by President Trump

Washington Post

For those interested in seeking adulation and acclaim, it’s easy to see why running for president might hold appeal. For a year, two years, you get to be one of the most-talked about people in the most powerful country in the world; on the off-chance that your bid is successful, you then get to extend that attention streak for four more years. That’s six years, minimum, that the country — if not the world — is holding you at the forefront of its attention and consideration.
But there is a downside: The country may not like what it sees.
Two polls released this week offer that downside to President Trump. New surveys from Quinnipiac University and McClatchy-Marist reveal that Trump — never terribly popular nationally — continues to be seen as dishonest, a poor leader and unstable.
What’s more, the U.S. is embarrassed by him.


  1. Here are some more polls from the paper that gave you all the phony polls about Hillary winning. If you believe these polls now, you are really gullible.

  2. Well, here is a person that "noble" opposition is proud of and are following here lead. Yeah, she killed two of our brethren in cold blood

  3. wow! an error in a poll means all future statements are "fake news" - It is more realistic to state that once Trumps been show to be a compulsive liar that nothing he says can be accepted as having any significance and if you believe anything he says you are "really gullible."

  4. They did a slew of polls before the election and they were all wrong. They have a consistent record of bias and failure. Their polls are worthless.

  5. Except if they are favorable to Trump!

  6. John Kasich wants to coioperate witht he opposition on ammending Obamacare and keeping millions from losing access to healthcare that they need. A moral traditional conservative?

  7. Anyone who is opposed to Trump' policies or behaviour as President must be a terrorist or terrorist sympathiser or anti-semite?

  8. שמשלחה מביתו וחוזרת - שכן מנהג השוטים שאין בושין:

    At what point will you stop purposely misquoting me in order to set up your straw man??

    Oh right, you won't. That's why this quote is so relevant to you - regardless of the device you're using.

  9. Oh please! ad hominems are a sign of a weak argument. (read the moreh). There was no point of your post, if you did not feel that this lady was representative of the majority of opposition to Trump! Why did you not post an article of a frum Jew who opposes Trump's policies?

  10. There goes your projection all over again. And there goes your usual dosage of ad hominem all while complaining about it! lol

    Lets see: First you write "Anyone who is opposed to Trump' policies or behaviour as President must be a terrorist or terrorist sympathiser or anti-semite?" Keyword: Anyone

    They you shamelessly walk it back a bit without having the slightest decency or integrity to even acknowledge it. You write in the next one: "representative of the majority of opposition to Trump" Keyword: Majority
    You abandoned "anyone" without any integrity or shame.

    But you are still misquoting me.

    שמשלחה מביתו וחוזרת - שכן מנהג השוטים שאין בושין

    If you do have the ability, go find someone else to pursue, misquote, attack and otherwise troll.

  11. Insults are a very weak argument and totally unneccesary. Your post implies (intended or not) that this lady and her sentiments on other issues are somewhat representative of the resistance to Trump. Feel free to clarify, if that was not your intent!

  12. Come on! Stop obfuscating! Clarify the point of your post. Did you mean everyone, majority, minority or insignifican minority of the resistance to Trump? And I will modeh my error accordingly.

  13. If you have reading comprehension problems, then that is your issue.

    A responsible person with a smidgen of integrity would address the elephant in the room, if they can. Why has she not been ousted. Why is she acceptable and not repulsive.

    Trying to reframe what I said is just a dishonest way of you skirting the issue . Your trademark attacks are all part of your spiel of trying to hide the truth.

  14. Bottomline of your post is that a frum Jew should not resist Trump's policies because a convicted terrorist is part of the women' march movement against Trump. What has one got to so with the other?! By your logic a frum Jew should not support Trump, even if he agrees with his policies, becuase neo-nazis, white nationalists and xenophobes wholeheartedly support him!

  15. All anyone has to do is scroll Dow a couple of lines and see how I highlighted your complete lack of integrity and dishonesty in your shameless attempts to reframe and misquote what I wrote. So now you made a shameless third try without any acknowledgement of you just lied twice.

  16. There goes your projection all over again. And there goes your usual dosage of obfuscation all while complaining about it! lol

    שמשלחה מביתו וחוזרת - שכן מנהג השוטים שאין בושין

    If you do have the ability, go find someone else to pursue, misquote, attack and otherwise troll.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.