Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Unprecedented: Father jailed for son refusing to divorce wife

Update: Supreme Court delays jailing father

בג"ץ עיכב את כניסתו לכלא של אבי סרבן הגט
לאחר שבית הדין הרבני קבע בצעד תקדימי, כי יש לאסור אב של סרבן גט בשל סיוע לסרבנות - החליטה שופטת העליון על עיכוב ביצוע ההחלטה, עד להכרעה בבג"ץ

update from srugim

Arutz 7

Tel Aviv rabbinical court finds father encouraged son to leave disabled wife without religious divorce, sentences him to 30 days in jail.

For the first time in history, an Israeli rabbinical court has sentenced a man to prison because his son will not grant his wife a divorce.

The court ordered that a Jewish-American tycoon be sent to jail for 30 days in jail after his son refused to give his wife a get. According to Jewish religious law, a husband must give his wife a document known as a get in order for the couple to be divorced. A woman whose husband refuses to do so is called an aguna [plural agunot, literally "chained woman"].

The ruling came after it was found that the father has discouraged his son from granting his wife a get for the past ten years. The head of the Tel Aviv rabbinical courts, Rabbi Shlomo Shatsman, stated that "The complainant's extended and brutal divorce case is one of the hardest agunot cases the rabbinical court system has had to deal with."

The court heard the story of a haredi couple who married 19 years ago and lived in the US, where their two children were born. About 10 years ago, the family visited Israel. During their trip, the wife suffered a severe stroke. She was left disabled and remains confined to a wheelchair.

After the stroke, the husband abandoned his wife and children in Israel and returned to the US. Since then, he has refused to grant her a divorce. He has ignored the Tel Aviv rabbinical court's ruling that he must grant her a get, and did not even bother to file an appeal.

The court tried to uncover the husband's perplexing motives. The court's aguna branch carried out a secret investigation in Israel and the US, and found that his father, a rich businessman known for his philanthropy in the haredi sector, is behind the refusal. When the husband's parents visited Israel, the court summoned them to testify and even issued a restraining order preventing them from leaving the country until they do so. This alone was an unprecedented decision. The parents, however, had rabbis and public figures apply strong pressure to the court in an attempt to obstruct justice. [...]

מאסר לאביו של סרבן הגט, איך זה בכלל חוקי?

במבט ראשון אכן נראית דרישה זאת כלא צודקת וכלא הוגנת, אולם במבט בוחן ומעמיק יותר, ניתן להיווכח כי דווקא זוהי דרך הישר וזו התוצאה המוסרית והצודקת. עו"ד מוריה דיין המייצגת את העגונה מסבירה

פסק דין תקדימי פורסם השבוע בפרשת עיגון חמורה, אשר בה יוצגה האישה על ידי ארגון "יד לאישה", לפיו אבי הבעל ייעצר בגין סרבנותו של בנו לתת גט. נשאלת השאלה – האם יש בכך צדק? הלא אנו אמונים על העיקרון לפיו "לא יומתו אבות על בנים ובנים לא יומתו על אבות, איש בחטאו יומת" (דברים כ"ג ט"ז). כיצד, אם כך, מצאנו לנכון לבקש מבית הדין להעניש אב על חטאי בנו?

במבט ראשון אכן נראית דרישה זאת כלא צודקת וכלא הוגנת, אולם במבט בוחן ומעמיק יותר, ניתן להיווכח כי דווקא זוהי דרך הישר וזו התוצאה המוסרית והצודקת.

כאמור, פרשה עגומה זו החלה לפני למעלה מעשור ובמרכזה ניצבת אישה אומללה אשר במהלך ביקור משפחתי בישראל עברה אירוע מוחי חמור אשר עקבותיו נותרו בה עד היום. אישה זו, אשר נותרה נכה במחצית גופה לצמיתות, ננטשה ע"י בעלה שחזר לארה"ב מיד לאחר שהאירוע התרחש וזאת בעצת אביו, לאחר שהובהרה לו חומרת מצבה של האישה. מאז ועד היום מעגן הבעל את האישה, בחסות אביו ובאופן אכזרי, וזאת ללא כל סיבה נראית לעין.

במהלך העדויות שהושמעו בבית הדין עלה כי לא רק שהאב הוא בגדר "מסייע" בעיגון האישה, אלא אט אט התברר כי הוא הוא בעל הדבר עצמו. אבי הבעל הוא המושך בחוטים, הוא המתנה את התנאים, הוא הקובע את הכללים, והוא אשר ברצותו תעוגן האישה וברצותו תשוחרר.

בית הדין עשה שימוש בסמכויות המוקנות לו בחוק, שעניינן אכיפה וציות לפסקי דין שניתנו כדין ע"י ערכאות שיפוטיות במדינת ישראל. מאחר וכנגד הבעל ניתן פסק דין המחייב אותו לתת גט והתברר כי אביו הוא הגורם המכריע באי קיומו של פסק הדין, לפיכך ניתן להטיל עליו סנקציות מכוח פקודת ביזיון בית משפט.

אולם, מהי המסגרת ההלכתית והמוסרית אשר בתוכה פעלנו אנו כמייצגי האישה ובגדרה ניתן פסק הדין? הנה מצינו בפירוש הרמב"ם על המשנה (תרומות ו, ג) לגבי המסייע לדבר עבירה כי הוא בכלל "לפני עיוור לא תיתן מכשול", וז"ל שם: "והמתעהו והמביא אותו לידי מכשול, או שציווהו על העבירה, או שסייעו עליה באיזה סיוע שהוא.. עובר הוא על מה שאמר ה' 'ולפני עור לא תתן מכשול' אם גרם לעבירה, או שעובר על דבר ה' 'אל תשת ידך עם רשע' אם סייע לחוטא". במקרה זה אבי הבעל, הגורם לעיגון האישה, הוא בבחינת "לפני עיור לא תיתן מכשול" ועובר על איסור חמור.



  1. השיבה שופטינו כבראשונה

  2. Is there realky no motive other than his parents' urging? Sounds like there is something missing from this story.

  3. FedupwithcorruprabbisMarch 15, 2016 at 2:41 PM

    The Israeli Rabbinate continues to twist halocho as they see fit. I heard that in the Briskman case, they forced yisroel Briskman's father to pay child support as yisroel ran to the USA. Their Shulchan oruch is called "FEMINIST ORUCH".

  4. It could be the son himself is a louse.

  5. This is collective punishment of innocent people. Typical of the zionist court system and police that has been carrier over into the zionist rabbanut.

  6. Unless you know the details of the case, we should assume the husband has valid halachic reason in not giving a Get. Halacha doesn't require he divorce by default.

  7. This is an American husband living in America. In the late 90s in a similar case where Israel refused exist to an American tourist to Israel living in America who refused to give a divorce to his American wife living in America when he visited Israel, the United States Department of State forced Israel to let him leave.

    Israel has no jurisdiction in this case. Nor should it. This Get case is under the jurisdiction of an American beis din. The Israelis are in no position to determine or rule whether or not the husband has any obligation to give a divorce.

  8. What's missing from this story is the reason why the husband is withholding the Get.

    Could it have something to do with the woman's demands from the husband in order to "agree" to accept the Get? How about arrangements for the custody of the children? Does she seek to disenfranchise him from his children?

    I have no clue. But before we get all riled up and convict the husband and his family in the court of public opinion, let's try to find out "The Rest of the Story".

  9. "This Get case is under the jurisdiction of an American beis din."
    You seem to have some information about this case. Are you able to elaborate on why the husband is refusing to give his wife a Get? What is the wife demanding?

  10. The rabanut here has nothing to do with Halacha most of the judges in the rabanut side with the woman b4 you even present your case they do and always will take the woman side it's irrelevant that you are willing to deal with the situation and give A get all you want are you basic rights to your children that she is trying to rob from you

  11. Ernesto_Che_BurashkaMarch 15, 2016 at 8:45 PM

    It would be quite interesting to examine the halachic status of Zionist Rabbanut when it comes to כפיה. After all, its leaders are elected in major part by chazer-fressers. And, as a reminder, its former Ashkenazi leader is on trial for being a thief and is strongly suspected of pederasty. The former Sefardi one is a kidnapper (remember the story with his daughter's boyfriend?). The current ones seem to be more decent, and definitely some of their employees are ehrliche talmidey chachomim. However, the authority to force people to obey the Rabbanut lies with the state and the leadership. Compared to US, where Epstein-like tactics affect a small minority of divorce cases, in EY it's in every case (even the people who resolve their divorce-related issues amicably still have Rabanut's ability to assume jurisdiction in mind).

  12. Can divorcing couples in Eretz Yisroel choose to use a non-rabbanut beis din for their gittin process, such as the Badatz Eidah Chareidus beis din and thus entirely bypass the rabbanut?

    If one of the two spouses chose, say, the Eidah beis din could the other spouse force the spouse choosing the Eidah badatz to go to a rabbanut beis din?

  13. As far as I know, yes.
    However, the rule of הלך אחר הנתבע applies (i.e. the the choice of venue is up to the defendant).

  14. Ernesto_Che_BurashkaMarch 18, 2016 at 5:16 AM

    This is another illustration of why women are פסול לדון. A licensed attorney spouting this illiterate drivel should not be involved in דיני תורה. It would be interesting to see the actual פסק from the Rabbanut.

  15. They can either do a Haifa maneuver, or borrow Epstein lechad yoma, vesholom al yisroel.

  16. Politically IncorrectMarch 21, 2016 at 10:19 AM

    Ah, you took the words out of my mouth - and not just for now, but for every day that I am awake!

    .....but then, how would you learn pshat in the next words that follow: "v'yoatzainu k'vatchillah"? I would as follows: return to us those who advise al pi Torah as opposed to those who advise the women to open lies on their husbands, use secular court, strong arm methods with respect to gittin and generally polarizing them for an all out battle that unfortunately, too often is the hallmark of a frum divorce, HaShem Yishmerenu

  17. I've heard there are rabbis in US who advise women to somehow convince the "recalcitrant" husband to take a trip to Israel (for a simcha, vacation, whatever), whereupon they get the Rabanut to issue a "ikuv yetzia" until he gives the get.

  18. According to the story, the husband abandoned his wife (and kids) in Israel after she suffered a debilitating stroke while on a family vacation there; the stroke has left her permanently disabled. That's why they have jurisdiction. And the husband is obligated either to take care of his wife or divorce her and pay the ketubah--this isn't a woman who ran out on her husband; she suffered a stroke. He ran out on her; according to the article, at his father's insistence. What I don't understand is why, given that he left her, he won't give a get. The article doesn't say. The only speculation I have is they have some sort of financial pre-nup requiring a large settlement if he does divorce her (or they are Sephardi and the ketubah is large) , but that may reflect my lack of imagination rather than any reality--more detail in the article might help.

  19. I want to thank Dr.Agbazara for his job in my family, this is man who left me and the kids for another woman without any good reasons, i was pain and confuse,till one day when i saw Dr.Agbazara contact, then i contacted him and he help me cast a reunion spell that help my situation with 48hours, since I then the situation has changed, everything is moving well, my husband who left me is now back to his family. reach DR.AGBAZARA TEMPLE via email if you have any problem at:

    ( agbazara@gmail.com )

    OR whatsapp or call him on +2348104102662


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