Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Israeli Man Accused of Raping Stepdaughter for 15 Years, Siring Boy

Ashkelon Magistrate’s Court extended the remand of an ultra-Orthodox couple from Ashdod on Monday after they were arrested the day before on suspicion that the father raped his stepdaughter for 15 years, leading to the birth of a son.

A gag order has been imposed on the case, so names and details cannot be disclosed. However, the father confirmed that the son was the couple’s biological offspring, but said relations with his stepdaughter had been consensual and had taken place when she was an adult. 

The plaintiff, now 31, filed a complaint with Ashdod police last Thursday, saying she had been raped by her stepfather for 15 years, starting when she was 11. She claimed that her biological mother, who is married to her stepfather, knew of the sexual abuse and rape but did nothing to prevent it.

The plaintiff is now raising an 8-year-old boy and the police are preparing to conduct paternity tests in order to verify her claims. A police source told Haaretz that preliminary investigations show there is a factual basis to the complaint. He added that the parents had become Orthodox in recent years. [...]


  1. if true the child is a mamzer (ishah ubitah) unless the kiddushin can be annuled...

  2. The step-daughter was unmarried at the time

  3. Huh? It's a stepdaughter

  4. You can't help but belittle this terrible inhumane crime by lowering it down to some idiotic halacha tidbit. Do you have a heart or is at all crusted over with chulent.

  5. Politically IncorrectMarch 23, 2016 at 12:44 PM

    No, with the halacha, he is showing how much more serious the crime is. Think about the ongoing ramifications until the end of time in connection with the halacha. As Rav Dovid Eidensohn says mamzer is the ultimate child abuse, stigmatized for life, whereas you only look at it from the past which is also a contemptible trauma. ..... much more serious than a death sentence from Federal or state court. .....the need for many people to understand the relevance is evident.....

  6. which means its his wife's daughter.

  7. Bo al bas ishto the child is a mamzer. If the kidushin with wife is retroactively nullified, the bas ishto retroactiovely becomes bas mefutoso, and the child is not a mamzer.

    BTW note how the fact that the horrible behavior was done before the couple became Orthodox is buried deep in the article, while the fact that the couple is ultra-Orthodox appears at the beginning. Apropo Haaretz.

  8. If they married before they were Orthodox there is a chance the marriage was no marriage.

  9. I had presumed it was an adoption

  10. Small chance in Israel, where marriages are preformed almost exclusively by an Orthodox rabbi.


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