Saturday, January 9, 2016

Nathan Lewin: Defense of the Epstein Torture Gang - because they were just doing a mitzva!?

Nathan Lewin is a very smart lawyer - but in his continued defense of the Epstein Torture gang he is showing he knows nothing about elementary halacha. Torturing a husband to give a Get invalidates the Get. Furthermore it is clear that Epstein was doing it for money - not for the mitzva of freeing an Aguna. 

But even if he were doing it for a noble cause - his lack of concern for the facts as well as the illegality of kidnapping and torture - makes the whole enterprise disgusting. It is a chilul haShem and embarrassment to the Jewish community that the Jewish Press saw fit to publish such trash. Perhaps next week they will have an article about torturing a beis din into giving the wife an annulment or perhaps it will be enough to give substantial bribe - for this noble cause. Why does he think that the end justifies any and all means?! 

Instead of focusing his complaints on the FBI and the American Justice system for protecting husband from torture - he should have spent some time asking halachic experts for letters supporting Epstein's work. Does he really think Epstein's approach is supported by the mainstream poskim? If so - who are they? 

Is Lewin in favor of special training in torture techniques for dayanim so they can be more effective? Maybe instead of electric shock, Epstein should have used an electric drill on the brain of these stubborn husbands or maybe slowing skinning them alive! How can a frum lawyer defend the Epstein torture gang?

In more than 50 years of practicing law as both a prosecutor and defense counsel I have witnessed no more misguided and foolishly destructive use of law-enforcement resources than the FBI’s recent triumph in a federal court in Trenton, New Jersey.

Three distinguished rabbis who had courageously championed the cause of agunot – women whose former husbands cruelly prevent their remarriage by deliberately withholding a Get – were sentenced in mid-December to terms of ten years, eight years, and more than three years in federal prison because they were induced by FBI actors to participate in what they believed was a “forced Get” but was, in reality, nothing more than a show – a “sting” – created by the federal authorities.

The FBI set out to lure rabbis who would actively – perhaps over-zealously – try to have a recalcitrant husband (who did not exist) authorize the writing and delivery of a Get to a weeping agunah who was, in reality, an FBI agent. The agent’s acting talent persuaded the trusting rabbis that she was authentic, particularly because she brandished a forged but legitimate-looking ketubah and a seruv signed by the presiding dayan of the Beth Din of America fraudulently secured by the FBI.[...]

The “Getcha Sting” backed the wrong side in the battle between agunot and their despicable recalcitrant husbands. There are, to be sure, legitimate law-enforcement objectives that require undercover agents and call for “stings.” Potential terrorists have been smoked out by federal agents who masqueraded as compatriots or supporters. Under-age prostitution in 135 cities was stopped in October as a result of a “massive FBI sting.” The famed “Abscam” prosecutions of seven Congressmen and one Senator in 1980 grew out of an FBI “sting.”

If the FBI had some basis to believe that rabbis had formed a mafia-style organization to beat recalcitrant husbands, it might have justified a “sting” directed at such a group to prevent future violence. But the “Getcha Sting” began with efforts to lure ORA and the Beth Din of America into the FBI’s web. Not only was this an enormously foolish expenditure of federal law-enforcement resources, it was a disastrous choice made by the FBI. Husbands who withhold gittin from victimized agunot are evil, and one would expect the FBI to choose the virtuous side in this conflict. The FBI should have sided with the agunot, not with the spouses who flout rabbinic orders to give a Get.[...]

The presiding judge wrongly excluded all evidence of religious motivation and intent. From the beginning of the Trenton trial, I and the other three defense counsel tried to present to the jury the overriding motive of all those who planned and participated in the trip to the warehouse. None truly wanted to lay a hand on the fictional husband or to engage in violence. All believed the husband might agree to authorize a Get if he was only confronted. All thought they were performing a mitzvah in helping to free an agunah.[...]

The FBI’s “Getcha Sting” was comparable to similar “stings” that have been found “outrageous” so that prosecutions were dropped. Did the prosecution’s conduct in creating the “sting” entitle the defense to claim that the defendants had been “entrapped?” The current law on entrapment presents a significant obstacle to such a defense. But the FBI’s conduct is not beyond correction by the courts. Federal courts have dismissed criminal cases when the prosecution’s conduct in promoting and prosecuting fictional crimes was “outrageous.” Last January the federal prosecutor in Chicago dropped charges against 27 black and Hispanic defendants who were charged after being arrested following similar “stings” conducted by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). [....

If the ATF’s “sting” was so outrageous that Zachary Fardon, the federal prosecutor in Chicago, dropped 27 cases against black and Hispanic defendants rather than prosecute them, why did Paul J. Fishman, the United States attorney for the District of New Jersey, proceed with the trial of rabbis and young Jewish men who committed a less serious offense than attempted robbery and possession of cocaine? And why did he urge severe prison sentences for rabbis and Orthodox Jews who were only trying to perform the mitzvah of freeing an agunah?


  1. Talk about a pompous ass.

  2. We remember Naomi (daughter of Shalom Klass, founder and publisher of the "Jewish Press") Maue'rs messy divorce from Yehuda Schwartz (her 4th husband).

    She then became an advocate for all the "Fakegunahs", giving space in the "Jewish Press" for a listing of all the "recalcitrant" husbands.

  3. American defense lawyers believe it is correct and proper for them to take cases of even clearly guilty people charged with the crime they committed. And the lawyers code then obligates them to give a full throttled defense of the criminal with claims that are untrue. They often excuse themselves by claiming "I don't KNOW it is untrue or that he is guilty, I simply don't know if it's true or not and thus I will defend him with his claim of innocence." Of course they, as any member of the thinking public knows the deferment in many of these cases are as guilty as sin.

  4. It was Naomi Klass' divorce case, and Mr. Shalom Klass' advocacy in the unJewish Press, that got New York's second Get law passed by Sheldon Silver that had caused untold number of Get Me'usas and mamzeirim ever since.

  5. Also note that Mr. Lewin, who were these criminals defense attorney in this forced Get/torture case and thus had all the inside information, has abive confirmed that the RCA/BDA and their head-dayan R. Gedalia Schwartz signed a Siruv against the non-existent husband of the FBI agent in the Get-sting case.

    This demonstrates how corrupt the BDA is and how they automatically favor and believe every sob story and claim by any woman claiming to be a so-called aguna who wants a Get. The BDA never met the husband, heard from the husband or even served the husband a hazmana as he didn't even exist, and yet they issued a Siruv sharing "him".

  6. Mr. Lewin: "they all anticipated would result from a meeting at which the husband would be confronted with the news that a rabbinic court (bet din) had issued a seruv against him and ordered him to free the agunah."

    How corrupt a "bet din" that never heard the defendent in their open courtroom provide his side of the story order him to give a Get? They halachicly cannot.

  7. Mr. Lewin in his JP diatribe article, essentially is taking a position that there convicted criminals in the FBI Get Torture Case should have been asked based on American legal technicalities. Lewin effectively admits that the convicts were guilty of the actual underlying crimes. He and the criminals deserved no sympathy. Aside from their crimes under federal law they are guilty of many severe issurim d'oraysa that had resulted in numerous Get Me'usas and mamzeirim.

  8. fedupwithcorruptrabbisJanuary 10, 2016 at 4:28 AM

    yes it was Naomi Mauer who appeared in the LA divorce trial between Meir Kin and Lonna Kin and she testified falsely and the judge degraded her and threw her out of the courtroom. She has such a hatred towards men that she will fly anywhere to testify. Moe Ginsburg raises a good point that Mendel epstein never conducted a trial with the husband present. Neither is the corrupted BDA who issues seiruvim w/o hearing both sides. But raboisai even if the husband was present he has no choice in the matter. ORA publicle declares that a man can NEVER withold a GET! This is their new reformadox torah of 2015!

  9. Nathan Lewin writes:

    the “Getcha Sting” began with efforts to lure ORA and the Beth Din of America [BDA]
    into the FBI’s web. Not only was this an enormously foolish expenditure of
    federal law-enforcement resources, it was a disastrous choice made by
    the FBI. Husbands who withhold gittin from
    victimized agunot are evil,
    and one would expect the FBI to choose the virtuous side in this conflict. The
    FBI should have sided with the agunot, not with the spouses who flout rabbinic orders to give a Get.”

    Wow, very similar the Epstein torture gang and the the Kamenistkys-Greenblatt
    heter/annulment. The FBI sting had a
    non-existent husband. This shows how
    utterly empty the pious claims that the husbands are evil and the wives are
    victimized agunot. No, It was just radical feminists stuff of ORA and BDA.

    Imagine, if the FBI brought to the court videos of live
    husbands who refused to divorce their wives with a get, the defense would then try
    prove how evil the husbands are. Good luck to the husbands trying to defend
    themselves. It would be like Aaron
    Freidman defending himself.

    Kamenistkys-Greenblatt heter/annulment is also utterly empty with Aaron alive,
    well and free and never gave a get to his wife Tamar. It was just radical
    feminists stuff of ORA and BDA. I quote (internet 2012):

    “Supporters of Tamar Epstein, whose ex-husband, Aharon
    Friedman, refuses to give her a religious divorce, have been pressuring
    Friedman's boss, U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, R-Michigan, to fire Friedman. They have
    protested in front of Camp's office, signed a petition at, started a
    website ( and in February, bombarded Camp's official
    congressional Facebook page. But Susan Aranoff, director of Agunah
    International, which supports Jewish women seeking divorces, said social media
    has little effect because many husbands still are resistant after all the
    bullets have been fired."

  10. I must add a counter-argument as this blog is a Greek Chorus trashing Rabbi Epstein. Although I do thank R. Eidensohn for posting it.

    A few factual corrections:
    R. Epstein was unable to interview the husband, as he would not respond to hazmanot. That was how it was proven from the legitimate SERUV signed by the head dayan of the BDA.
    The FBI had the help of R. Wax (who had admittedly kidnapped, and tortured, and attempted to extort his get-withholding victim) who was the halachik brain behind the fine-tuning of this sting over the two years it was being planned. Any legitimate doubt that there was, was dealt with by him. (to avoid a life sentence.)

    But let me get to my main point, and that is to say, as someone who knew R. Epstein over 20 years, and saw how he helped so many people with intractable complications, it is unbearable to read how everyone is so quick to mock and pick out the one crazy case where he was willing to take money yet overlook the hundreds of trapped women he gave freely of his time and expertise to help.

    In a case where a man will not abide by the Beit Din's decision, or in a case where he will not even appear, there must be people who will get involved and get out of their comfort zone (like in front of their computer keyboards, for example), and travel, and make a scene, and confront, and yes, sometimes threaten.

    For anyone who listened to the entirety of the recordings, you would know that R. Epstein advised the 'Agunah' to pay off the husband. When he told her what it would cost to get everyone on board to confront him (and scare him with the possibility of violence, yes.. cattle-prod, no, read the transcript, there was no cattle-prod), because she was PUSHING for violence, he tried to get her to just pay her HUSBAND instead. Her answer was that she and her 'brother' had already paid him that and more, but he would just take the money and then refuse to show up at beit din.

    So yes, Rabbi Epstein got played. It took about 4 million dollars, two years, professionally trained actors, a knowledgeable rabbi behind the scenes constantly advising, and counterfeiting documents to keep his deranged self out of life in prison to pull it off, but pull it off they did.

    But here were are. And instead of gloating are we finding any real people willing to move their holy selves to help?

    No. We have another situation where Rabbis, who are otherwise famous, also getting in over their heads, retroactively annulling a marriage on inappropriate psychological opinions... (and KUDOS to R. Eidensohn for pulling back the curtain on this hocus-pocus!), but where are the people willing to confront the men who are REALLY refusing to grant their wives gets....In the REAL cases where the wives have followed halacha faithfully, gone to beit din, appeared, done all that is required according to Jewish Law.

    These are the REAL evil men in the story, and I only wish those who read and care, and are interested: The knowledgeable people who post on this blog, I wish you would all get involved and free an agunah or two instead of gloating over the sentencing of a rabbi who did get involved and did free legitimate agunot.

  11. Not to nit pick as I enjoyed your comment.

    But even threat of cattle prod without it ever being utilized is a very serious issue of גט מעושה

    Other than that. In the haste to fix all מסרבי גיטין one can easily trespass serious halachic red lines and cause very serious issues.

  12. Dear Sarah,

    Perhaps you should consider - just consider - that your negius is clouding your vision. You clearly do NOT know all the shtick Epstein pulled. You don't know the massive amounts of money he took from unsuspecting women who didn't know how to proceed. You don't seem to care that he also funneled many divorcing spouses to his daughter Batsheva, who then racked up her own bills for the secular side of the ledger.

    Divorce is a complex issue. This blog is one of the places where people are acknowledging that it isn't so pashut...families are being destroyed, and children are being ripped away from their parents. Perhaps you should shed a tear for the bigger picture, instead of for those who don the label of 'aguna', when often their own actions created a conflict where none needed to exist.

    Epstein was a master at promoting himself...that was probably his biggest strength. We owe the government an enormous debt of gratitude for putting this phony out of business. He would still be destroying lives today if they hadn't. He might have been your friend for 2 decades, but you need to start to see him for what he really was, and still is.

  13. fedupwithcorruptrabbisJanuary 10, 2016 at 5:26 PM

    What you also dont know is that alot of "AGUNAS" arent really AGUNAS! They muscle their way from the "getgo" taking the husbands monies , children etc.. by going to civil court in NY which is against the Torah! Then when the man asserts his Halachic rights and finds a Bais Din that will consider his rights, she runs to the evil ORA who refers to this man as evil, recalcitrant, extortionist etc...! This has been the REPEAT story that I have seen in the last 20 years. Most women if they would of taken the Torah approach, would of have gotten a kosher GET by now. Ironically, what is worse that the Mendel Epstein saga is the continuous forced Gittin by the civil courts which are not kosher based on authentic Torah Judaism

  14. Hello FrumSarah,

    Thank you for your comment.

    That was how it was proven from the legitimate SERUV signed by the head dayan of the BDA.

    The siruv from BDA was illegitimate. They sent a summons/hazmana to a post office in Florida. They did not do a simple internet search, nor did they seek to contact local rabbis to hear the husbands concerns. People who are legitimately seeking to resolve a messy divorce don't just issue siruvim. Just a bit of legwork would have exposed the ruse.

    Oh, but the BDA relied on emails that the agents gave them from the husband. Is this worthy? Lets consider a real case. Say, Ms. X wants to slam her husband and get a siruv out against him. All she has to do is give the BDA a fictitious address (or an address of a friend of hers) to send a summons to. Then, when he won't respond, since he never saw the summons, she can show BDA an email that she concocted herself, claiming its a refusal email from the husband. Walla! A siruv is born! Something is rotten in state of Denmark.

    But let me get to my main point, and that is to say, as someone who knew R. Epstein over 20 years, and saw how he helped so many people with intractable complications

    I unfortunately know of more than one case where he aided the women who refused to follow Beis DIn and were creating all the complications. He help them do some real unjustified dirty things. His view was that women are right 98% of the time and have to helped at all costs.

    Years ago, a person who was close to him told me that he has no morals.

    I wish you would all get involved and free an agunah or two

    The way to free them is:
    A) Make it clear that women do not have the right to unilaterally destroy a family. If you sell a house, you cannot throw out the buyer years later due to your buyers remorse. Likewise, if you freely chose to get married, you cannot "kick the 'bum' to the curb" whenever you so fancy.
    B) When divorce must happen, go about it in a peaceful, pleasant, remorseful and fair way. Cut out the bullying and thug tactics that he made himself famous for. Quit destroying children!

  15. FrumSarah,

    1. If Mr. Epstein or anyone else is not able to interview the husband and hear his version of the situation, as a halachic matter they cannot issue an order or ruling compelling him to grant his wife a Get, with or even without the threat of violence. This is a straightforward halachic fact.

    2. Without a formal beis din ruling that the husband is halachicly obligated to grant a Get, he is not halachicly obligated to give a Get and it is impermissible to force or even pressure him to give a Get.

    3. Without the husband appearing in beis din, there is no way halachicly to establish whether he is obligated to give a Get, and thus he cannot be compelled to give one.

    4. Mr. Epstein violated the above halachas by pressuring as well as physically coercing unwilling husbands to give a Get in many many cases where it had not been halachicly established by beis din, in accordance with halacha, that he is obligated to give it. He did this many times over the thirty years he was involved in this "business".

    5. Point 4 resulted in Mr. Epstein creating untold number of halachicly invalid Gets (Get Me'usa) and consequentially untold number of mamzeirim by these women who remarried after Epstein procured for them non-valid gittin.

    6. In cases where the husband refuses to appear before any beis din to respond to his wife's demand for a Get, the beis din may issue a Siruv against him for failing to appear. This type of Siruv does not compel him to give a Get. If compels him to appear before beis din to adjudicate the legal question of whether or not he is obligated to give a Get. (Halachicly a husband is not obligated to give a Get in every case a wife demands one ) He is subject to " cherem" religious sanctions until he complies with his obligation to appear before a beis din. i.e. he cannot get an aliya, people may not do business or even communicate with him, etc.

    7. The BDA and their head-dayan R. G. Schwartz were wrong to have issue a Siruv against the non-existent "husband" in the FBI sing case. Their Siruv was not legitimate. It could not be legitimate since there is no way for a non-existent person to fail to comply with a beis din.

    8. Even IF the BDA Siruv had been legitimate, e Siruv was only for failing to appear in beis din. It was not a Siruv demanding he give a Get. (It could not be that.) Thus Mr. Epstein & Company's hocus-pocus phony Kangaroo "beis din" could not possibly issue an order that the (non-existent) husband give a Get, as well as his order permitting coercion be utilized against the husband.

    9. This type of behavior by Mr. Epstein in the FBI case is consistent with his non-halachic behavior in divorce cases for over 30 years. Rav Elyashiv said years ago that Epstein's gittin are invalid "Get Me'usas".

    10. In real life the number of husband illegitimately withholding a Get from their wives kneged halacha for vindictive reasons is extremely small. Yes, it happens but or is very rare.

  16. We're speaking about legitimate Agunot.

  17. Of course I don't know everything R. Epstein ever did.
    I was specifically speaking about the real issue of Agunot, and the lack of resources, human and other, to deal with it.
    What I do know is what he did for many. And I do know about divorce, having been divorced after my ex fled the country.
    R. Epstein helped me with support, and by simultaneously guiding my husband. They had maintained a relationship of mutual respect, and due to R. Epstein's masterful management of a potentially volatile situation it was brought to closure, with my husband properly responding to a hazmana to beit din. I was never an Agunah, and never claimed to be one.

    AS for the government stepping in and producing a successful sting, I don't believe he was a 'phony'. As I said, many people here claim untold evil acts on his part, but no proof, just words on a blog.
    The FBI lied on the stand. FABRICATED evidence... has anyone read about the shameworthy dismissal of charges against Ari?
    The FBI was proven to have fabricated evidence.... and then the charges were quietly dismissed, mid-trial. No one was allowed to reference that so as to not bias the jury against the FBI.

  18. F... Sarah:

    " a rabbi who did get involved and did free legitimate agunot. "

    So did Dr. Kivorkian. He freed those meugen and in lots of pain to a smooth exit. Remember when he said, "and when put on certain parts of the body they will know', and that's where the cattle prod was hidden. Now when he was cooked and soon to be canned, he will ALSO KNOW.
    The different between the two exits is, that the cattle prods produced mamzerim

  19. 1) R. Epstein had a whole history of faked documentation as to the history of the 'husband' appearing and then not complying. There were YEARS worth of forged documents. Yea, he got fooled.

    2) agreed

    3) Not true. If a husband refuses to appear in front of a properly convened Beit Din, and offers no alternative, he doesn't win by that refusal. Beit din can decide without him.

    4) Here is the typical claim of 'many many' bad things that R. Epstein did. Do you have proof? This just seems too silly to respond to.

    5) There is, in certain cases, a permission to use violence. Do you maintain that in every case where a get was given due to the understood threat of force, or even the use of force, do you maintain that that get is invalid? That is counter to Halakha.

    6) What is your solution for the Agunah in this case? Assuming that the Beis din DOES agree that she is deserving of a Get. Because, I do want to agree that a woman is not automatically right and deserving of a Get. Just to point out the obvious.

    7) There was a whole TRAIL of communication that R. Wax forged and added to the file. The husband was supposedly in Argentina, and as I remember (I was in attendance at part of the trial), there was the use of a real address there that was a fake one also.

    8) There was on record the 'husband's' REFUSAL to grant a 'Get'. He had supposedly demanded and received blackmail to give it and then had disappeared just to spite his wife. Again, there was written proof of this.

    9) Your opinion

    10) We are specifically speaking about this situation. Notwithstanding that most divorces never escalate to this point...

    11) The point was that these husbands KNEW that they were obligated to give their wives a get. Once they were approached and cornered they generally complied.
    They are an evil and cowardly bunch, not giving their wives a life and yet not allowing her to move on. This is the point of the Agunah.

    And dear Poster, I KNOW that there are many men in unfortunate situations with evil women, with unfair advantages due to prejudice or finances. And G-d should help all of them to prevail against their pursuers. In this post I am simply trying to stick to the point, that there are not enough able-bodied and halachically fluent men willing to get involved.

  20. FrumSarah,

    3. A beis din cannot issue a determination and order demanding the husband issue his wife a Get if he never appeared in the beis din to give his version of events. It is a straight rule regarding Dinei Torah in general: beis din cannot even listen to one sides story, let alone issue a verdict, in the absence of the other side. Unlike secular court, issuing a decision in abstentia is illegal according to Halacha. This is true regarding any beis din case.

    Additionally, in order for a beis din today to even have jurisdiction of a case, both sides must first accept that beis dins jurisdiction. One side cannot choose the beis din and impose their selection on the opposing side in the case.

    5. Indeed there are very rare and narrow circumstances that halacha permits not only pressure but even physical coercion to obtain a Get. The few examples include when someone married someone halacha forbids marriage or if a husband was physically violent to his wife, this violence was proven in beis din (Shulchan Aruch even requires a witness if he denies it) and he continued to defy beis dins earnings to him to stop the violence. (All per S"A.)

    In cases where coercion to give a Get was utilized where halacha didn't authorized it, and a valid competent beis din with jurisdiction that heard both spouses in person present their case to b"d and thereafter formally ruled based on the circumstances that a Get is halachicly mandatory, then in such absence the resulting Get is invalid and she remains married to him.

    6. I already outlined the solution in Point 6 of my original comment. If he refuses to appear before any beis din, the beis din can and should issue a Siruv against him putting him into Cherem. This (unfortunately) is the only most powerful tool in beis din today when we live in galus under the goyim. The Cherem prohibited others from socializing with him and the Siruv permits pressuring him to appear before beis din so that they can adjudicate the case whether he is obligated to give a Get.

    7. At the end of the day, the BDA issued a serious Siruv against a non-existent man who obviously was never served to appear. It demonstrates that the BDA can be manipulated into illegitimately issuing a Siruv sharing a real man in a real Get case.

    8. In beis din, PER HALACHA, no testimony or "evidence", written or otherwise, is possible for the dayanim to accept or even listen to without both sides being in the b"d courtroom simultaneously and both sides hearing each other's claims and then being afforded to rebut it on the spot.

    11. In most cases, including this one (obviously as "he" didn't even exist), he does not necessarily know he is obligated per halacha to grant a Get.

    And in many of these cases the husband did not grant the Get when confronted until there thugs started applying physical coercion and torture against him. Including in the Lakewood case and numerous previous Epstein cases.

  21. FrumSarah says: “Of
    course I don't know everything R. Epstein ever did.

    I was specifically speaking about the real issue of Agunot, and the lack of
    resources, human and other, to deal with it. What I do know is what he did for
    many. And I do know about divorce, having been divorced after my ex fled the
    country. R. Epstein helped me with support, and by simultaneously guiding my
    husband. They had maintained a relationship of mutual respect, and due to R.
    Epstein's masterful management of a potentially volatile situation it was
    brought to closure, with my husband properly responding to a hazmana to beit din.
    I was never an Agunah, and never claimed to be one.”

    Wow, is FrumSarah
    Susan?? Susan’s Hebrew name is
    Sarah. She says “And I do know about
    divorce, having been divorced after my ex fled the country.” Yes, I did go to Israel July 1991 based on
    Susan’s promise to join me. “R. Epstein's masterful management of a potentially
    volatile situation it was brought to closure, with my husband properly
    responding to a hazmana to beit din. I was never an Agunah, and never claimed
    to be one.”

    Yes, I did properly
    respond to a hazmana to beit din which generated the get Susan sought 2/17/1993.” Susan never told me why she wanted the
    get. I don’t know today why she wanted
    the get. Unrelated Susan stole my house
    and 55% of my pension with lies and forgeries.
    Susan doesn’t answer me.

  22. Epstein has a 30 year reputation of engaging in violence sharing husbands, preceding this case. I and many heard of his tactics attributes to him at least as early as the 1990s. There was a major mid-1990s New York newspaper story with photos of a severely beaten up husband who have a Get after being tortured, where the violence 20 years ago in the major media was attributed to Epstein. Many more such studies came up in the decades since.

    Epstein on the tape recordings in the recent case he was convicted in, you can hear him advise the people what to do to avoid being captured by there police or leaving any evidence behind.

  23. Are you aware of Epstein's racket in bogus heter meahs for men who wanted to dump their wives without consequences? They were available for a hefty fee. Are you aware that after issuing these heter meahs, he would withhold the get from the wife till she would cough up her own hefty fee? With appearance of 25k or so, the missing get would magically appear. Doesn't exactly square with the image of chivalry you are presenting, does it now?

  24. Why are we shocked that Mr. Lewin would defend R' Epstein when he was the one that helped draft the "Get Law" in NY which to this day is "Marbe Mamzeirim B'Yisroel" by causing an untold amount of "Gitten Meusah"

  25. Moe,

    When you mention the clear-cut halacha that a Beis Din that does not have automatic jurisdiction (pretty much impossible nowadays for BD to have automatic jurisdiction) cannot try a person who has not agreed to their BD, and that it must be b'fonov, it won't be heard by those close to Epstein. Since Rabbi Belsky's emotions decided that he may do so, then Epstein hung his hat on Rabbi Belsky. Of course Rav Elyashiv, and every other notable posseck, made it clear that it is false. But you won't be able to convince a person who is emotionally connected to Epstein/Belsky.

    The Argentina angle was only added once they approached Epstein.

  26. I know what he and his daughter stole from my as far as I'm concerned, he took our money to support you. Such a צדיק! A real Robin Hood.....

    Sorry, but you walked in here to defend someone who 'may' have had his good moments. However, his evil ways are now known far and wide. That is how the רבש׳ע can't engage in years of chillul Hashem and get away with it.

    And as far as the FBI 'lies', it is of great concern, since you are "Frum" Sarah, that you don't think a REAL Dayan should do enough of an investigation to determine that a supposedly recalcitrant husband doesn't exist! Kal Vachomer an entire BD! Your perspective (and Epstein's actions) turn our halachic system of justice on its head.

    Finally, re dear, sweet, 'innocent', Ari: you should also educate yourself about how prosecutors operate. If the evidence against him was weak, a prosecutor will sooner jettison the unprovable case to secure the ones that are on solid ground. The Feds did precisely that. And a jury of their peers was convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that 3 of our co-religionists committed serious felonies in their pursuit of whatever they were after.

    Please reconsider your priorities. Withholding a get illegitimately, when it does happen, is awful. Committing serious crimes in our society to try and solve the problem reduces us all to being residents of the jungle. Thank G-d, and the Feds, that Epstein has been stopped.

  27. FrumSarah says: “The FBI had the help of R. Wax (who had admittedly kidnapped,
    and tortured, and attempted to extort his get-withholding victim) who was the
    halachik brain behind the fine-tuning of this sting over the two years it was
    being planned. Any legitimate doubt that there was, was dealt with by him. (to
    avoid a life sentence.)

    But let me get to my main point, and that is
    to say, as someone who knew R. Epstein over 20 years, and saw how he helped so
    many people with intractable complications, it is unbearable to read how
    everyone is so quick to mock…”


    “Filed & Entered: 09/22/2015

    Set/Reset Hearings

    Docket Text: Reset Hearings as to DAVID WAX:
    Sentencing set for 1/12/2016 10:00 AM in Trenton - Courtroom 5E before Judge
    Freda L. Wolfson. (jg, )”

    To me, this is more evidence that FrumSarah is
    Susan whom I divorce 2/17/1993 on her initiative, apparently, also with Mendel
    Epstein’s help. We’ll hear the sentencing of David Wax Tuesday, May Hashem have
    mercy, may the judge give him a light sentence.
    May Mendel Epstein and gang have all their sentences reduced on appeal.

  28. What did he and his daughter do to your ex?

  29. Nat lewin overlooks the fact that the FBI took this case not for purpose of going after a few rabbis for getting involved in personal domestic matters, but to have these rabbis who had personal knowledge of money laundering and false tax receipts.

  30. Epstein and daughter assured that what could have been a mediated settlement became a protracted battle. More $$ for them both that way.

    He is a master manipulator. Many women who went to him were taken in by his act. What F Sarah and the rest of them don't understand is that he played everyone against each other. She is no different than the neighbors and friends of child molesters, who assure all who ask them that "he could never have done what he's been accused of."

    I don't know whether these well-meaning, but terribly misguided, friends are a tribute to the skills of a manipulator like Epstein, or are more a function of the naïveté/stupidity of people who cannot see evil for what it is.

  31. I don't know who you are. I've asked R. Eidensohn to keep my name anonymous, but he has my name, email, and phone number.

  32. Dear Moe,
    3) There was fake documentation produced by R. Wax that the 'husband' had been to Beis Din, had been judged against and had refused. I think that you would agree that it would have been unreasonable to expect R. Epstein to go back to page one and try to interview him when all the records showed that there had been an attempt. The Seruv was legitimate, and procured through counterfeit religious documents supplied by the FBI (Wax, which, taken alone, is already quite disturbing... the US Federal government, through subterfuge, 'producing' untrue halachic rulings and documents...)

    6) Correct. This is why many communities have informal 'meetings' with the recalcitrant husband, no money involved, that convince him that he should comply with Beis Din. This is how it actually does work.
    But a man who cares about no one, and has already left his community.... What is left for the Agunah to do?
    This is the question that I keep returning to.

    11) Bryskman. What a mess. Actually he DID give the get before any violence, he testified as such. And R. Epstein was not involved in that crazy sadistic torture session, that was R. Wax. And he testified as to that also in the end.
    Because he had also testified that Ari Epstein was there! But when bills, time-stamped photos, testimony and reciepts, placed Ari across the country on business, the government ended their case against him.
    Anyway, R. Wax admitted that he had already gotten the Get, but then donned a crazy cowboy hat, and kicked Bryskman until he was bruised and bled, and then kidnapped him, called his father in Israel, and threatened to bury him alive if he didn't pay him (Wax) ANOTHER $100,000!
    Do you understand that the Bryskman (another Tsaddik) torture/ get/ abduction is what led to the Wax arrest... and that is what led to Wax concocting this scheme from beginning to end?

  33. R. Wax was involved in sending millions of dollars to Israel, CASH, through tax-exempt organizations. I saw these wires on overhead projections. ('Project Taryag')

    The government was unaware of these wires until the defense used them to prove the falsehood of R. Wax fraudulent claims. (that he had no money to pay Ari... who was not even on the East coast...) The FBI produced PHONY documents, and when they were proven fake... the FBI just withdrew the case against Ari. This is justice... Dear G-d.
    But as long as it takes down R. Epstein who cares, right?

    No one else was wiring such sums and laundering cash through tax exempt organizations.

    The FBI was played by R. Wax.

    What are you claiming?

  34. FrumSarah,

    3. Epstein's beis din had no halachic right to accept the documentation, however real-looking it was, without the "husband" being in Epstein's beis din courtroom and offered the opportunity to refute it, before Epstein issued his b"d order to coerce the husband to give a Get.

    6. The reality is that sometimes there is nothing that can be done in golus when we have no Sanhedrin with full legal powers and a party is in contempt of beis din. The only solution is Moshiach. This is the halachic reality.

    11. Bryskman did not give a Get prior to Wax kidnapping him. He gave it (and thus it is invalid) while he was being kidnapped by Wax.

  35. Dear FrumSarah,

    It is very true that American prosecutors frequently run roughshod over the legal process in order to secure a conviction via unfair means. Sometimes they do this to a fairly innocent defendant, thus locking him up unfairly, and sometimes they do this to an obviously guilty defendant who they don't have as strong evidence as is legally acceptable in American courtrooms but nevertheless everyone knows is guilty.

    Prosecutors couldn't lock up Al Capone until they charged him with some relatively minor IRS tax violations. His entire career of murdering and robbing weren't enough to get the legal goods on him. John Gotti was acquitted by juries about three times before years later they finally got him on something or another. Murder and running a mob full of grand theft he was able to get away scot free for years.

    When Capone and Gotti were finally nailed years later no one shed tears over their convictions because prosecutors ran roughshod over technical legal processes and evidence in order to secure their convictions. Everyone was happy to get these thugs off the streets once and for all regardless if prosecutors cut corners to get them.

    I don't know if you're correct that prosecutors ran roughshod over the legal rights, the evidence and the witnesses in the Mendel Epstein case with the other defendants. What I do know is that for three decades he had been running roughshod over the halachic process using real actual violence as well as the threat of violence coupled with actual kidnappings of husbands in order to procure a Get for woman who not in all cases were entitled to a Get under halacha. He has a boatload of such activity over the span of his multi-decade career. This is not to say he didn't do some good in-between the bad. He may have as you say he has.

    Nevertheless, he caused untold number of invalid gittin and mamzeirim with his violent behavior. And you want folks to shed tears that all this was put to an end because prosecutors may have cut legal corners taking him off the streets and putting and end to his violence?

  36. "In 1983 I drafted, at the request of Rabbi Moshe Sherer, z”l, the first New York Get Law which has withstood constitutional challenge to this day."

    Actually, Mr. Lewin, the law never faced a constitutional challenge in the appellate court.

  37. today was wax's sentencing. (gotta check the news to see what he / she got.) unless it was postponed. and his wife.
    I highly doubt the FBI was played. the waxes are the amateurs. (maybe not in mioney laundering.)
    ari only got off cause he never crossed state lines in the conspiracy,. he lived / left from Lakewood to Edison. it was a jury decision, the feds did not drop the charges.

  38. the money laundering I was talking about refers to wolmark's knowledge, not connected to this conspiracy. they wanted him to rat out others, nothing to do with this case.

  39. There was one charge against Ari that was dismissed because the FBI witness was found to be lying on the stand. Judge Wolfson called the lawyers over and told them to cut it out, she wanted that charge dropped. But the dismissal was very quietly done, and with minimum attention. You are right that the jury found him innocent on the other(s).

    As for R. Wax. Amateur or not, (clearly 'get' wise he was in over his head,) once he got caught, he got the FBI to believe that there were bigger fish, 'get'-wise and money laundering wise. He then fingered every Rabbi who was involved in gittin, and then concocted the sting that brought down R. Epstein. I know that some here think that it was long overdue, and therefore don't care how it was done... but this was a multi-million dollar sting, with fraudulently obtained Halachik legal documents, and FBI witnesses lying on the stand. I would call this governmental overreach.

    It's difficult not to think that justice would have been better served if R. Wax had just paid his dues... without being 'Moser'. Actually, worse than 'moser' because the entire case that got R. Epstein in trouble was a manufactured lie! With every detail laid out to trick those who were trying to help Agunot.
    No one was found to be laundering money, but R. Wax millions.

    It's clear that he got the FBI to believe that there were bigger crooks than he, and then went out to conjure one up. That's why I said that they were 'played.'

  40. Please see my answer to MiMedinat_HaYam

  41. I'll respond to you there.

  42. Again @FrumSarah, Epstein has been involved for multiple decades in shaking down husbands to force them to give a Get that they were halachicly not obligated to give. (And the resulting Gets from Epstein's "work" were therefore invalid.) He needed to be stopped. He was still very active in violently accosting husbands up to the point the FBI got involved.

    You are focusing on secular American legal procedural points that you say were unfair against Epstein. That is all secondary. (And truthfully even from an American legal point the actions of the FBI were not totally over the top considering that Epstein has a 30 year history of getting away with organizing violent beatings of men.) From a Jewish perspective, though for sure, Epstein needed to be stopped. And stop him the FBI and prosecutors surely have done.


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