Thursday, November 12, 2015

Toldos; Raising difficult children vs kids with an easier nature

Guest post by Rabbi Shloime Pollak

 How did Yitzchock Avinu get it so wrong?!?
How could it be that Yitzchock wanted to give the Brochos to Eisav, a murderer and thief, instead of Yaakov Avinu, the perfect well behaved child??

Rivkah Eimeinu, that saw the greatness in Yaakov, and Eisav's shortcomings, probably conveyed her thought to Yitzchock... yet Yitzchock disagreed??

Rashi tells us, that there was a real concern, that Reuvein might join the forces of Eisav??

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  1. Thanks for the insights. Kids need an education that supports their autonomy and connects to their inner beings. Eisav did not receive this type of education, so instead of connecting to the learning and focusing on what he was doing and learning, the focus was just on how well he was learning or doing - creating an image and protecting that image and it was that image that compensated for the lack of intrinsic motivation and reward

  2. Please kindly explain your criteria for recognizing what connects to a child's "inner being".

  3. I'm not sure I understand...

    Are you suggesting that had you been the parent of Eisav, you would habe done a better job?

  4. As R' SRH points out that they were given the same education, so i think you would also have done a better job


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