Monday, July 21, 2014

Ort family tragedy: When the wife goes to court and not to beis din.

Emes vShalom  To the best of my knowledge the facts presented on this website are accurate and unfortunately true. The husband has been driven from his family and is living in Har Nof while being alienated from his children and stripped of his inheritance and wealth. His wife refuses to go to beis din.


  1. Is this the case where cowboy Chaim Yisroel Haleivi is standing in support of the lady?

  2. fedupwithcorruptrabbisJuly 21, 2014 at 2:28 AM

    I know this case first hand.Here is an example of a Talmid Chochom who issued his wife a GET and after the Get was issued, she took him to court to take away monies from an inheritance.She managed to receive such a large child support order from a kolel man that he couldnt pay it and had to flee to Israel to avoid jail. She also alienated the children against him. So for all of you that say that you must give a GET right away, this will just empower the cruel woman to attack after the GET is delivered.

  3. What is Rav Belsky shlitas basis for supporting this woman and taking a stand against the numerous Gedolei Yisroel shlita?

    impression is that Rav Belsky usually takes women's position in
    contentious divorce cases, but nevertheless he still must give a
    halachic logical basis for his position. What is it?

  4. There are 2 sides to this story. I believe there's another beis din in the US that supports her besides Rabbi Belsky. He has married and divorced another time and has had issues with the second divorce also. I don't pretend to know which side is right but you're only posting one side of it.

  5. In american law, a spouse has no valid claim on the other spouse's inheritance. How did she get a court to award it to her, short of corruption? (Even child support will not come to such amounts, esp if he's a run of the mill kollel student.)

  6. Why is R Belsky on her side? Even R schachter the YU feminist who igbored halocho in meir kin and epstein cases is on husband's side because he capitulated and gave a Get.

  7. Humble Jew's comment is disgusting and is a proof in the opposite direction. HJ tries to make mention of the allegation that R Ort was married a second time to insinuate that he must be the problem here. Otherwise why is he mentioning this? However since all evidence seems to imply that this marriage ended without major incident or drama. So does this not imply according to HJs logic Mrs Ort is then the cause of the conflict?

  8. A simple question,why the heck do you have to get yourself involved in every private family fight all over the world ? and plaster it on the it utter boredom?,please go get yourself a job and do something constructive in your life,
    you are causing a big CHILLUL HASHEM

  9. Stan, I agree that Humble Jew's comment is disgusting.

    I am familiar with the case of Rav Ort SHLITAH. Humble Jew's claim that "There are 2 sides to this story" is typical of the fraudulent nonsense spewed by the feminist supporters of women violating halacha in Jewish divorce cases. There can only be two sides to a story when both parties are making claims in a kosher Bais Din, and not operating in archaos. When one party is mosering their opponent in archaos k'neged halacha and is causing their opponent to flee the country to avoid debtor's prison, there are no two sides to the story. When a parent is being alienated from their children by the other parent, there are no two sides to the story.

    Its important to note that Rav Ort SHLITAH gave a GET to his wife early on in the divorce process but was still persecuted by his wife in archaos. This should be a lesson to any Jewish men in divorce conflicts not to be bamboozled by ORA type feminists into believing that by giving a GET quickly (before the issues are settled) their wives will moderate their behavior. There are numerous divorce cases that refute this.

  10. Actually, from what I heard, the second marriage did involve incident and drama, although not as publicized. If memory serves me correctly ( and it doesn't always) I think that the Beis Yosef (Navorhodok) Beis Din was on her side.

  11. I know the case better, and you are dead wrong! The children do not want to have to do with him even while they were still married. He is off the wall . The get obligated him to support his family as he had a big yrusha...he chose to run to israel, escape his responsibilites. Leave this woman be...she raised all those children on her own...!

  12. An abuse of Halacha is to hold a get back for money settlements! she had to go to court to get child support for all those children she raised by herself!!


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