Saturday, February 16, 2013

Major Torah scholar arrested in sex sting operation

NYTimes    A rabbi has been arrested after sending sexually explicit messages online to a person he thought was a 14-year-old girl and arranging to meet her in Queens for sex, the district attorney’s office said on Thursday. Instead, a New York police detective had impersonated the girl, the authorities said.

The rabbi,  Nosson Dovid Rabinowich [Wikipedia], 59, of Brooklyn, was arrested Wednesday. He was charged with four sexual offenses, including attempted rape, the Queens district attorney’s office said in a statement. [...]

Rabbi Rabinowich runs a tour company and a synagogue from his home in the Midwood section, according to the statement. He exchanged online messages, some sexually graphic, with the detective in December and this month, the statement said.

click here for Dr. Marc Shapiro's article regarding plagarism


  1. I think "major Torah scholar" is overstating things a little!

  2. click on the wikipedia article and then tell me how you would describe him

  3. Has written quite a lot of articles.

  4. Obviously being a Mara D'Atra hasn't helped this fellow in being a mensch.

  5. I remember in the israely press the plagerism scandl... His answer was he mentioned the book he coppyed in the introduction.

  6. Just one more proof the NO ONE can claim to be in-vulnerable to the evils of the internet world!

  7. You can also add plagarist

    And all around aweful guy

    to the list.

  8. You mean, "awful," and I would venture to remind myself out loud that things look pretty bad for him, but I would suspect that we are not allowed to be mekabel this as for sure true, especially some anonymous post on a travel review website; just to be choshesh.

  9. These are not good days for the Chaim Berlin Yeshiva world. First a close disciple of Rav Aron Schechter Michael Hersh runs to the police in Israel to be moser the owner of this blog for posting ONLINE about a serious case of child kidnapping and now on the other side of the Atlantic on their home turf Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowich gets arrested by the police for running ONLINE after what he thought was a sexual encounter with a 14 year old young girl, while at the same time he also has a daughter married to the son of a very prominent Yeshiva Chaim Berlin teacher Rabby Dov Fink who is also a close disciple of Rav Aron Schechter.

    1. Mida Keneged Mida-How apt! I find it very sad that a blog called Daas Torah sometimes attracts those who wish to rag on it. Listen pal,if your intention were to condemn perverts and show your solidarity with victims that would be one thing. Obviously you have some "ax to grind" against an excellent makom Torah. I guess you would never post anything about the Tzaddikim that attended the yeshiva.Such glee? We should be crying over these things!Thank you for the 411 on Rav Fink,SHLIT"A.What exactly did he do to have you drag his name through the mud?Is he guilty of something? It never ceases to amaze me how malevolent people can be.It does amazes me why people think this world is hefker and don't think twice about being meorer din on themselves.

  10. @Flavor LoungeFebruary 20, 2013 at 12:03 AM

    an excellent makom Torah. I guess you would never post anything about the Tzaddikim that attended the yeshiva.Such glee? We should be crying over these things!Thank you for the 411 on Rav Fink,SHLIT"A.What exactly did he do to have you drag his name through the mud?Is he guilty of something?

    Has anyone ever stood up to Rav Aron Schechter and told him is is plain wrong?!

    The world is not stupid and not dumb and numb, it is watching and waiting for someone, anyone, in the Chaim Berlin Yeshiva community to come forth and declare with guts, "while our beloved Rebbe and Rosh Yeshiva is a great man and tzadik and lmadan and talmid chochem of the highest order, but he has made some great mistakes and obvious blunders lately. One such example, and there area few others (his support of Leib Tropper, of Gershon Kranczer, needlessly attacking a sheital macher, signing on the ban a concert by Lipa Shmeltzer, not going to Bais Din to settle to settle the open Din Torah of Rav Shlomo Carlebach the mashgiach of Chaim Berrlin Yeshiva). Our Rebbe has supported Michael Hersh to the hilt, and we oppose that. We are too scared of him, because we are cowards. Our Rebbe has supported Michael Hersh in sending his son to a far-off youth retraining and detention camp on Jamaica after the child was kidnapped in the middle of the night, we voice our opposition to such brutality and mistreatment. Our Rebbe and Rosh Yeshiva has sent letters to secular courts and judges in support of Michael Hersh as Hersh has sued his family and many others some are even rabbis, but no one in the Chaim Berlin Yeshiva has spoken out against that. Our Rebbe has supported Michael Hersh even though Hersh has gone to the police with false claims, most recently to the police in Eretz Yisroel against a blogger who bravely spoke out when we could not. We protest in the strongest terms our Rebbe's support for that and we say it is a big mistake and goes against da'as Torah. Even a gadol can make a mistake. Our Rebbe has made a few such serious mistakes, and while we are steadfast in holding to our Rebbe, we are pained and we grieve and now we speak out forcefully against obvious mistakes that have resulted in Chillul Hashem."

    Has anyone, including Rav Dov Fink even had the thoughts, let alone spoken out like this, what are they so afraid of, that ye will lose their shtellas, or that the emes will finally triumph?


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