Thursday, February 14, 2013

Electronic retinal implant gives sight to the blind

NY Times    The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the first treatment to give limited vision to people who are blind, involving a technology called the “artificial retina.” 

With it, people with certain types of blindness can detect crosswalks on the street, burners on a stove, the presence of people or cars, and sometimes even oversized numbers or letters. 

The artificial retina is a sheet of electrodes surgically implanted in the eye. The patient is also outfitted with a pair of glasses with an attached camera and a portable video processor. These elements together allow visual signals to bypass the damaged portion of the retina and be transmitted to the brain. The F.D.A. approval covers this integrated system, which the manufacturer calls Argus II. 

The approval marks the first milestone in a new frontier in vision research, a field in which scientists are making strides with gene therapy, optogenetics, stem cells and other strategies.[...]

With the artificial retina or retinal prosthesis, a blind person cannot see in the conventional sense, but can identify outlines and boundaries of objects, especially when there is contrast between light and dark — fireworks against a night sky or black socks mixed with white ones in the laundry. 

“Without the system, I wouldn’t be able to see anything at all, and if you were in front of me and you moved left and right, I’m not going to realize any of this,” said Elias Konstantopolous, 74, a retired electrician in Baltimore, one of about 50 Americans and Europeans who have been using the device in clinical trials for several years. He said it helps him differentiate curbs from asphalt roads, and detect contours, but not details, of cars, trees and people. “When you don’t have nothing, this is something. It’s a lot.”[...]

Developed over 20 years by Dr. Mark S. Humayun, an ophthalmologist and biomedical engineer at the University of Southern California’s Doheny Retinal Institute, the artificial retina was inspired by cochlear implants for the deaf. Some financing came from a cochlear implant maker and other private sources, but about $100 million was provided by the National Eye Institute, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy, all federal agencies. 


  1. It is every interesting that certain miracles of "Biblical" scale are being achieved by science.

    If we look at how digital cameras have increased their resolution in the last 10-15 years, perhaps it indicates that the quality of vision will also be improved as the technology develops.

  2. Recipients and PublicityFebruary 15, 2013 at 2:07 AM

    "about $100 million was provided by the National Eye Institute, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy, all federal agencies."

    Amazing how the rivers of money for the "science/research 'kollel' guys" never seems to dry up and no one every says a peep about it.

    1. These guys actually have something to show for themselves at the end of the day.

    2. It helps that once in a while the "science kollel guys" come up with "miracles of Biblical scale".


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