Sunday, September 4, 2011

Weprin Clarifies His Position on Marriage

5 Towns Jewish Times

In the upcoming election for Anthony Weiner’s seat in the 9th Congressional District, Jewish voters are faced with a dilemma.  Both candidates are excellent choices both for Israel and for the New York City Jewish community, in general.  Mr. David Weprin has been particularly helpful in the past to orthodox institutions. However, there is some alarm that is spreading throughout the community in terms of his past support of specific legislation that undermines Torah values.

Two staff members of the Five Town Jewish Times spoke out these issues with Mr. Weprin directly on Sunday morning.  The editorial staff members, which included Mr. Larry Gordon, determined that Mr. Weprin viewed his statements as merely in the realm of supporting a civil rights issue.  He stated his belief that, in his view, “the status of state marriage is not viewed as a halachic marriage and is, therefore, not substantively different than a civil union.”

He further stated that “Chas veShalom - he would never do anything that would undermine the Torah’s values or halacha. This legislation is strictly a civil rights issue – nothing more, and nothing less.” [....]


  1. Pure apologetics by the left-wing liberal 5TJT.

  2. Daat Torah: Can you please explain why you deleted the convert-letter post (with the approx. 90 comments)?


  3. This "clarification" directly contradicts public statements Weprin has made in a manner of kumah zekufah to explicitly say that he couldn't care less what rabbonim and the Torah itself has to say about intermarriage & gay "marriage". Weprin has said that Torah values are personally offensive to him (given his ultra-Liberal outlook) and that he disagrees with the position taken by his rabbis who are from YU backgrounds.

    Furthermore, this "clarification" means absolutely nothing to soften Weprin's trampling on Torah values. Chazal say the Mabul came because of civil gay marriage documents and the overall acceptance of toyavah.

    Weprin is also a career politician who will do anything to keep his taxpayer funded job. Check out the history of how party bosses in Brooklyn & Queens have historically kept everyone else off the ballot so that no one could ever challege him in the primary for Democrats. Two of those officials are his own mother and brother. Weprin has also resorted to dirty tricks like secretly sending out literature against his Jewish challenger for State Assembly Bob Friedrich with a Nazi swastika superimposed over him. When Weprin was caught because of an overlooked identifying factor he refused to apologize and called Friedrich a "bigot" for defining marriage as between a man & a woman.

    What is really driving this silly article is that newspaper publisher Larry Gordon (a former Lubavitcher who grew up davening in 770) and some of his affiliates are under attack personally for promoting Weprin and being on the take monetarily through ads and earmarks.


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