Monday, September 5, 2011

Post regarding annulment of geirus was removed at request of Writer

The recent post about annulment of geirus has been removed at the request of the writer. Baruch Hashem the issue has been fully resolved after discussion with a number of rabbis who explained to him that a valid conversion can not be annulled and that the cases in Israel that were annulled involved questionable conversions. The writer fully accepted that reality and will continue living as a fully committed and observant Jew. The issue of marriage has also been completely resolved according to the halacha. He should be zocheh to find his zivug soon. On the other hand, he mentioned that he was very upset that his sincere and innocent request for information should elicit so many harsh and negative comments about him and his motivation. [no critical comments will be accepted for this present post nor any regarding the original letter].
I hope to post a comment about the harsh and uncalled for attacks against Elliot Pasik that appeared amongst the comments to the deleted post. The assumption that anyone who has a critical comment or observation is anti-orthodox is unfortunately a reality. It brings to mind the Maharal's statement that only a weak religion is afraid of questions. It is doubly problematic when Elliot Pasik has spent much time and effort to improve the life and safety of the Orthodox community.


  1. Considering you and Elliot are on the same side on this issue, your defense of Pasik doesn't carry much weight.

  2. Wasn't concerned whether you could be influenced by facts. But there are others might like to understand what is going on.

  3. What you consider to be the facts is different than what others consider to be the facts.

  4. And what you consider facts are different from what others consider to be facts

  5. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 5, 2011 at 8:25 AM

    The following is one of the most gratifying conclusions to a post in the many long years that I have been participating in online discussions, Mazel Tov:

    "The recent post about annulment of geirus has been removed at the request of the writer. Baruch Hashem the issue has been fully resolved after discussion with a number of rabbis who explained to him that a valid conversion can not be annulled and that the cases in Israel that were annulled involved questionable conversions. The writer fully accepted that reality and will continue living as a fully committed and observant Jew. The issue of marriage has also been completely resolved according to the halacha. He should be zocheh to find his zivug soon."

  6. The Maharal's statement is very interesting.
    Can you reproduce it in full or give the reference?
    From this statement , we can infer that in one personality, was combined Gadlus in both worlds of mysticism and rationalism.


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