Saturday, August 26, 2023

Tranquility Bay & the Google subpoena

The following is one of the key documents in the case behind the Google subpoena of this blog and others. It appeared in Jewish Press April 18, 2008


  1. IMHO this is the most fascinating controversy that has come up since the Slifkin Affair. I knew of Tranqulity Bay as a teenage student at Hidden Lake Academy (now Ridge Creek School), before I became a baal teshuva...we told horror stories about it and joked about how while our school had stages ("elements") we were supposed to pass through (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Galaxy), Tranquility Bay had Circles of Hell.

    Here's a good two part article:

    Baruch Pelta

  2. IMHO this is the most fascinating controversy that has come up since the Slifkin Affair. I knew of Tranqulity Bay as a teenage student at Hidden Lake Academy (now Ridge Creek School), before I became a baal teshuva...we told horror stories about it and joked about how while our school had stages ("elements") we were supposed to pass through (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Galaxy), Tranquility Bay had Circles of Hell.

    This is a good two part article:

  3. What prompted this open letter?

  4. Is there any proof Rav Shmuel's signature is genuine?

    Perhaps the gabboim fed him bad information about this issue...

  5. If you got a subpoena via Google I truly hope you have a good lawyer.

  6. Recipients and PublicityJuly 6, 2010 at 8:11 AM

    "Dave said...Is there any proof Rav Shmuel's signature is genuine?"

    RaP: In more than TWO years, absolutely no one has questioned that Rav Shmuel was 100% behind this PUBLIC letter and that he signed it, together with Rabbi Dr. Twerski and Dr. Pelcovitz.

    "Perhaps the gabboim fed him bad information about this issue..."

    RaP: Nope! Rav Shmuel is very close with Rabbi Wolbe from the Houston Kollel who had basically adopted and given shelter to both Isaac Hersh and his twin brother for a long time. Rav Shmuel also took a very strong stand in opposing Michael Hersh's rabbinic supporter Rav Aron Schechter of the yeshiva Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn.

    This letter was publicized widely and it's still online at VIN, with some additional info: "Brooklyn, NY - Rabbis: Tranquility Bay Not An Option For Any Jewish Child (Published on: April 16, 2008 08:40 PM):

    Brooklyn, NY - In a forceful strongly worded letter Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky writes that in no way should tranquility bay be an option for troubled teens.

    the letter appears in the Jewish press of this week on page 15.

    VIN news has learned that the letter was made public, after a few parents with troubled teens came forward and where leaning to send their teens to tranquility bay, even with all the recent negative press about it."


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