Thursday, September 24, 2009

Anusim & Chabad - Latin American Jews

CNN - please read this accompanying text regarding anusim


  1. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 24, 2009 at 6:28 PM

    When Senor Nunez says in the end that he hopes his "message" wink-wink is about the greatness of his style of Crown Heights singing Judaism, to his "Hispanic brothers and sisters" following upon some comments about the Anusim, he is implicitly stating that he is from the Anusim and that in turn all his "Hispanic brothers and sisters" are likewise from Anusim.

    This has become a familar and predictable trend now among geirim coming out from Hispanic countries and cultures, that they imagine they must reach to the specific events surrounding and following the Spanish Inquisition oif 500 years ago, and that anyone who speaks Spanish and or Portuguese must somehow or other be a descendant of the Marranos/Anusim who lived and suffered 500 years ago.

    Why isn't it enough for such sincere geirim to know that they are the spiritual heirs of the Jewish Avos, Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov that they must also "justify" themselves by invoking the memory of the martyrs of the Spanish Inquisition and of the truly LOST souls that became meshumadim/apostates?

    Why would anyone be proud that they come from a line of people who practiced and lived as Christians? Yet in today's world, as can be seen from this CNN clip it's almost hip, and its implications are dangerous for Klal Yisroel, because this style is an effort to proselytize, even though Chabad-Lubavitch is officialy not into such things.

    Incidently, it's known that in Latin America, Chabad does not accept or get involved with converts, so this story is misleading. Senor Nunez got in under the radar because as he says his mother is American and as you can tell from the way he talks he is really an American-raised person of part-Mexican ethnicity, and in America finding ways to convert are easier than anywhere else. So he did it.

    But what is he tooting his horn about? Unless this is part of a planted story to reach out to even more, if not all of the "Hispanic brothers and sisters" in the world, in competition with Rabbi Goldstein who is not Lubavicth who has the same goals. Hey, it's the free enterprise system, and may the best converters win, or should they?

  2. Recipients and Publicity said...

    When Senor Nunez says in the end that he hopes his "message" wink-wink is about the greatness of his style of Crown Heights singing Judaism, to his "Hispanic brothers and sisters" following upon some comments about the Anusim, he is implicitly stating that he is from the Anusim and that in turn all his "Hispanic brothers and sisters" are likewise from Anusim.
    He was not implicity saying this, he explicitly states it in the text accompanying the video.

    "Although Moshe and Chanaleah Nunez were raised in Christian homes, they believe that Moshe's family name is proof that his ancestors are Marranos -- Jews who were forced to denounce or abandon their faith centuries ago in Europe."

  3. I had learned that the suffix of "-ez" was given to the "new Christians" aka Conversos (both forced and voluntary) so that the "old Christians" would know who is who.

    All his name means is that roughly 17 generations ago, his male ancestor (representing 1 of his 131072 ancestors) was a Jew who became a "new Christian."

    This makes the likelihood that is a gentile is 99.999237%, if we don't know anything else about his ancestry.

    If his mother is also from a Converso family name, then the probability that he is gentile dramatically drops to 99.998474%.

  4. Actually Chabad has fully thrown its fedora into the Marrano/Anusim issue. I believe you can still find on YouTube their informercials for their work in Portugal. The Rebbe may have rejected them, but the new generation is going at it with a new mindset and open arms.


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