Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Proselytization - R Jonathan Ginsburg


  1. Recipients and PublicityJuly 29, 2009 at 12:58 PM

    Great, his wife he openly admits is a "former Lutheran minister" as if that was ssome sort of maaleh and she co-teaches with him yet, as he denigrates "old-fashioned" rabbis who may just deem him, being married to that ex (?) Christian missionary as being totally invalid and irrelevant to participate in any form of serious Halachic conversion ceremonies. Like asking a rabbi married to former alcoholic to bring her along to make sure that noone drinks at simchas or that they drink just a wee bit as she will "demonstrate" is wrong. This entire scenraio is so bizarre that it is truly a wonder that this man has no shame, guess it's just another example of chutzpa yasgi as part of the ikvese demeshicha. By the way, one can just ask what happened to this guy's first wife or is the best he could do for a shidduch for himself is a former priestesss in a Christian church.

    Is he Orthodox bichlal?, maybe he should call Tropper and team up with EJF to try to convert all the gentiles of the world to Judaic Lutheranism or whatver cockamamie beliefs he has. Rachmona litzlan.

  2. RaP, seriously, you are on a ROLL!!

    I am just sitting here reading this in utter amazement.

    At this rate you could save Judaism.

    Kol Hakavod! Yasher Koach!

  3. Recipients and PublicityJuly 31, 2009 at 1:12 AM

    Thanks admirer, now if you could only convince poster Roni/Tropper.....

  4. I do not think he is orthodox.

  5. Recipients and PublicityJuly 31, 2009 at 1:32 AM

    E-man, if R Jonathan Ginsburg is not Orthodox, meaning he has opnely stated that he is not Orthodox, and his comments against the old fashioned rabbis, usually a code word for attacking Orthodox rabbis, makes one think so, or if he is even a rabbi with semicha from an Orthodox institution, but he heads a synagogue that functions as a Conservative one with mixed seating servives and prayers, then in all probabilty he is not Orthodox. This should be very easy to find out from anyone who is aware of him living in Skokie or the Chicago area in any case.

  6. And the problem with his conversions is not because of his "proselytizing" but because he brings GOYIM GMURIM!

    By saying that the problem with him is that proselytizes you are trivializing the problem a saying that someone who stole a million dollars plus 5 dollars, is guilty for his terrible crime of stealing five dollars.

    DT, this is the reason why people do not pay attention to your fight. While you may be well intentioned you misapproripate the priorities! make from a tafel ikar and from ikar a tafel!

  7. Roni wrote:

    DT, this is the reason why people do not pay attention to your fight. While you may be well intentioned you misapproripate the priorities! make from a tafel ikar and from ikar a tafel!
    Since no one is paying attention - except for you -so why don't you stop paying attention also?

  8. I mean like choshuver rabbonim and the like. But the people the masses may get confused and misunderstand the priorties making "p" the worse crime and influx of actual goyim secondary (and not even that).

  9. Recipients and PublicityJuly 31, 2009 at 9:21 AM

    "DT, this is the reason why people do not pay attention to your fight."

    Very funny. The mere fact that you/Tropper are paying more than enough attention right here and right now as we type is reason alone to continue with this choshuve discussion that you disparage and demean at the very time that you pour your heart and soul with all the venom you can muster to "fight off" anything that may harm Tropper and EJF's image, reducing your credibility as an objective spokesman to about as good as Obama's press secretary is for Obama, or maybe worse, because you/Tropper come armed with all sorts of contrived lomdus and take yourselves very seriously as hole after hole is punched into every crooked presentation you try to make.

  10. This are the type of meshigoyim that are giving bad name to those that are serious about judaism and conversion. I feel bad for well intended people that will find these "rabbis" to convert. as you said Rachamona L'tzlan.


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