Sunday, August 31, 2008

RaP & Reading Comprehension

What follows is a comment by RaP regarding 1) my alleged mission to destroy chassidus 2) my hypocrisy at using Chassidic sources 3) his obsession with my apparent incompetence or lack of contact with reality.

RaP it would be nice if you used your intelligence for something other than your gross misreadings of my postings.

Recipients and Publicity's comment "Jesus & Shabsai Tzvi fell from high levels of holi...":

Dr. Eidensohn/daas torah I have a question for you: After you have spent so much time earlier quoting source that negated and devalued Chasidism, such as your famous citation from the Klausenburger Rebbe that latter day rebbelach are like headless floundering fish, and dwelling as you did on the GRA's opposition to the Baal Shem Tov and all Chasidim, so then, is it not rather odd and hypocritical of you to quote sources that cite the Baal Shem Tov and the sayings of Chasidic masters that explain and knock down the places of Yoshke and Shabtai Tzvi in the eyes of Yiddishkeit?

After all, since you have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are a die-hard misnaged who opposes Chasidism through and through for many well-sourced reasons that you have provided, so how can you then turn around and, as if you assume we have amnesia, spout the sayings of the Baal Shem Tov himself as definitive slapdownds of Yoshke and Shabtai Tzvi, and why have you not searched for sources in the GRA and among non-Chasidish seforim to prove the same points you were making?

If you assume that the Baal Shem Tov and Rav Tzadok are reliable and respectable then you also need to assume that their modern-day heirs in the Chasidish world are entitled to THEIR interpretation and practices of the Baal Shem Tov's notions and innovations, namely the stress on the role of the Tzadik in the lives of his Chasidim. The TANYA is the central ideological source book for ALL Chasidism, while there are variances, the TANYA in nistar and the Shulchan Oreuch Harav in nigleh are the hashkafic/halachik/mekubaldikke iron sources that divide ALL Chasidim from the non-Chasidim. Take it or leave it, by why flog a dead horse? While you are a capable writer, you are incapable of rewriting Jewish history!

It is intellectual chutzpah on your part to cite the master of the Chasidim to slap down Chabad who practice what the Baal Shem Tov preached to the n-th degree albeit in a way that is not comprehensible nor palatable to non-Chasidim. Chasidim and Chabad adore and in some ways "worship" the Baal Shem Tov and their Rebbes down to the rebbelach of our own times (if it is repugnant to you, worship your own gedolim, starting with the two Ree Moishes you admire: Feinstein and Shternbuch), so that to cite the words of the original Chasidic masters in essense and in the context of the flow of your posts, against themselves, makes no sense and is both highly disingenuous and no doubt quite offensive to a Chasid, not to mention it is a logical fallacy to take for oneself SELECTIVE teachings and imply them to be axioms strong enough to negate an entire CHASIDIC movement, that swears allegiance to the Baal Shem Tov and has certain kabbalas from him that noone else has (attributed to Rav Hutner when questioned why he chose to learn from the sixth Rebbe), like Chabad.

It is time for you to let go of the anti-Chabad bone that you have bled dry, you are no longer convincing anyone as you insist on fighting lost wars that have no real meaning because everyone has chosen their teams and like it or not are cheering them on, no matter what you or others say.


  1. Quoth he: "RaP it would be nice if you used your intelligence for something other than your gross misreadings of my postings."

    I read you just fine dear Dr. Eidensohn, maybe too well for your liking, I am sorry you don't like where my intelligence takes me, and consider yourself flattered that I read and comment on YOUR blog, something I do on only one or two others not belonging to me. (Besides, your readership rises when I comment and you benefit from that too in more ways than one...)

    But sadly, I have to say, there you go again, throwing deprecating personal insults in my direction (and setting a provably bad example for your acolytes "Jersey girl" and "bright eyes" -- whom other posters have called rude and insulting too) instead of facing up to answering the questions I raise against you.

    Finding anything in the GRA's writings against Jesus and Shabtai Tzvi would be more productive, rational and logical on your part rather than reaching to those you oppose (Like Chasidishe Rebbes and their grand-daddy the Baal Shem Tov) on many ideological and historical grounds to support your anti-Chabad screeds by your preaching to (your) converted and to (your own) peanut gallery of about two (Jersey girl and Bright eyes, who may be your sock puppets and meat puppets) because almost everyone else who posts on your blog usually does not agree with EVERYTHING you cite and preach.

  2. Recipients and Publicity has left a new comment on your post "Jesus & Shabsai Tzvi fell from high levels of holi...":

    Dr. Eidensohn/daas torah I have a question for you: After you have spent so much time earlier quoting source that negated and devalued Chasidism, such as your famous citation from the Klausenburger Rebbe that latter day rebbelach are like headless floundering fish, and dwelling as you did on the GRA's opposition to the Baal Shem Tov and all Chasidim, so then, is it not rather odd and hypocritical of you to quote sources that cite the Baal Shem Tov and the sayings of Chasidic masters that explain and knock down the places of Yoshke and Shabtai Tzvi in the eyes of Yiddishkeit?
    You are simply wrong. While it is true that I am a Litvak - that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the insights of Chassidim - including Chabad. If you read the letter of the Klausenberger Rebbe carefully - you will see it is not anti-chassidic. How could a chassidic rebbe express an anti-chassidic point of view? Rav Tzadok is one of the most brilliant Jewish thinkers - who is more widely read and quoted by Litvaks than by Chassidim.

    In short your premise is incorrect and you offer no clear evidence for it. Therefore it is not hypocrisy etc for me to cite Chassidic sources to clarify issues.

    The issue really is why you assume that any questioning automatically indicates total rejection? The world is more nuanced than that.

  3. Sometimes, and from his posts, RaP seems to be more than one person.

    On the one hand there is the very intelligent, thought provoking, polite and erudite RaP who posts well thought out essays and informative articles from other sources.

    Then there is the aggressive, somewhat paranoid, accusatory character who writes posts like this.

    The Chabad bone is far from bled dry. The issue of Chabad avodah zara is being discussed by every non Chabad Rabbi in the world.

    While it is perfectly acceptable for Orthodox Jews to wonder about the existence of G-d (ie Rav Soleveichik's "The Halachic Mind"), there is no tolerance within Chabadism (the religion that has replaced Judaism in America) to question or critic Chabad.

    Whoever dare to question Chabadism, is attacked with cries of "sinas chinam", "self-hatred", "Anti Semitism" and in this case called "a die-hard misnaged who opposes Chasidism" with "intellectual chutzpah" who should "worship your own gedolim" and stop
    "fighting lost wars that have no real meaning".

  4. I might have done it in ANON the first time but I think I have a good idea. I think it would be Helpful if you wrote a clearly stated Post with you exact Opinion on Chabad and Chassidus. Similar to a mission statement so it could be looked back on and quoted instead of trying to figure out your opinion based on prior posts so new viewers of the blog understand as I myself am unsure of your opinion, as you seem to go back and forth at one point claiming to respect the Rebbe and then saying he is a NAVI SHEKER.

  5. ANON said...

    I think I have a good idea. I think it would be Helpful if you wrote a clearly stated Post with you exact Opinion on Chabad and Chassidus. Similar to a mission statement so it could be looked back on and quoted instead of trying to figure out your opinion based on prior posts so new viewers of the blog understand as I myself am unsure of your opinion, as you seem to go back and forth at one point claiming to respect the Rebbe and then saying he is a NAVI SHEKER.
    It would in fact be a very good idea if I were trying to establish my view as "the" correct understanding of Judaism.

    1) In fact I am using this blog to bring up issues and receive comments and questions which help me understand what is going on. Thus this is a work in progress. In addition - I am concerned with the range of legitimate views - not "the" legitimate view. If you look at my sefer Daas Torah you will see what I mean.

    2) Furthermore if I were to present a final view on Chassidus, or time of death etc. It would take so much time I would end up not posting at all.

    3) There seems some confusion as to what are my views because I post the views of others. When a post starts with someone else's name that means that is their view - not necessarily mine. I have never said that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was a navi sheker. Not every post represents my views - I am merely trying to allow other viewpoints be clearly expressed rather than have them lost in the comments section. Perhaps I will add the phrase "Guest Post" to reinforce this idea.

  6. I did not suggest you say what the final PSAK is. I said you should state YOUR OPINION on the matter as it effects what You allow to be Posted opinion wise.Or at least state what you see so far as the range of legitimate views on the topic

  7. Just modern orthodoc's comments are cute, but sorry pal, fake psychoanalysis and false psychobabble relying on blatantly provable out of context sound bytes are not valid substitutes for answering the questions rationally and dealing with arguments logically!

  8. Just modern orthodoc states: "The issue of Chabad avodah zara is being discussed by every non Chabad Rabbi in the world."

    Really now? So everything is just fine and dandy in the houses and home bases of "every non Chabad Rabbi in the world"? You are either very naive or brainwashed against Chabad beyond any hope.

    Do you read what is going on in the news or hear what is going in in every corner of the frum world? (and hopefully you live near enough an Orthodox communty to see all the divisiveness and negativity unfortunately.) How every Orthodox and Charedi group is facing multiple crisis on all sorts of issues on all levels affecting cross-sections of essentially everyone? Oh yeah, I forget, you don't think that geneivah, machlokes, loshen hora, violence and all sorts of quantifiable aveiros, violations of the Torah and mitzvas and Halachah, and sheer rishus are as bad as supposed "avoda zora" by Chabad! How about EVERYONE's worship of the avoda zora of gashmius and money, of violating kochi ve'otzem yadi?

    You know, personally I avoid this type of discussion and non-reasoning and setting up of arguments of in "us vs them" scenarios that are almost literally as bad as korbanos from nuclear warfare from which there can be no snotty pride-filled victors, only, maybe a few pathetic survivors (as in "Planet of the Apes").

    So kindly resist your temptation to reach for the hot nuclear button when others can launch the same type of attacks as well.

    Insults and demonization reveal a hateful, petty and lurid mind that is devoid (perhaps even void) of the capacity to be rational, logical and reasonable.

  9. Recipients and Publicity said...
    "Just modern orthodoc states: "The issue of Chabad avodah zara is being discussed by every non Chabad Rabbi in the world."

    Really now? So everything is just fine and dandy in the houses and home bases of "every non Chabad Rabbi in the world"?...
    Do you read what is going on in the news or hear what is going in in every corner of the frum world?"

    Um, he didn't say that it was the only topic being discussed, just that it is being discussed by everyone. Any sincere Jew should be deeply concerned when a major component of Orthodox Jewry appears to be leaving Judaism en masse. We are seeing a very rapid evolution which, probably in our own lifetimes, will result in an entirely new religion.

    Even if you don't agree that this is happening, you must concede that those who do believe this is happenning are justified in being concerned. What else should they do? Pretend nothing is wrong while thousands of frum Jews are lost forever?

    "(and hopefully you live near enough an Orthodox communty to see all the divisiveness and negativity ... every Orthodox and Charedi group is facing multiple crisis on all sorts of issues on all levels ... geneivah, machlokes, loshen hora, violence and all sorts of quantifiable aveiros, violations of the Torah and mitzvas and Halachah, and sheer rishus ... EVERYONE's worship of the avoda zora of gashmius and money, of violating kochi ve'otzem yadi?"

    Well, you're a real positive fellow, aintcha? No glass half-empty for you, no sirree, the glass is empty, moldy, and shattered at the bottom of a sewer!

    There are problems in the frum community, of course. No honest person denies it. But your horrific portrayal of the frum community is as bad a distortion as those who can see nothing wrong.

    Insults and demonization reveal a hateful, petty and lurid mind that is devoid (perhaps even void) of the capacity to be rational, logical and reasonable.

    Of which you are providing us with an excellent role model, with your calm, rational, comments.

  10. I agree with Lazera 100%.

    Since RaP gave me acolyte status in his above post, I though it appropriate to respond somewhere in this thread!

  11. REPORT: Satmar's rapprochement with Chabad in 2008!

    Posters Lazera of September 1, 2008 7:15 PM and of course "Just modern orthodoc" reveal by their comments weak perceptions of what's really happening with Lubavitch that they are hopelessly behind the curve big time.

    Anyone who has been following the news reports on VIN and YW has read of how BOTH of the present Satmar Rebbes, the brothers Reb Aron Teitelbaum of Monroe NY and Reb Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Brooklyn NY have held PUBLIC receptions to honor Chabad representatives and Lubavitchers and publicly acknowldge these new ties.

    Of course among both the self-styled "politically correct keepers of the 'seal of truth'" such as in the YATED and their petty minded types, the various classes of baalei machlokes, and people who are just too slow to understand that the PRESENT top leadership of both Chabad and Satmar are seeing eye to eye and are not going head to head as they once used to in the 1970s and 1980s which is a MAJOR realignment in the NY and American and ultimately Israeli Chasidic and Charedi world that needs understanding.

    Now this would seem odd and it should not even be happening (what with Chabad BELIEVING that their Rebbe is "God in a guf" and some viewing them as avoda zaranikas), since according to the naysayers Chabad is beyond the pale so how could BOTH Satmar Rebbes (who are viciously opposed to each other mind you, agree on a what amounts to a common policy in realtion to Chabad) be courting the good will of Chabad and Chabad obliging BOTH Satmar Rebbes with tokens of peace?

    The answer is complex, but is essentially based on the realities of the 21st century and the future, and NOT on the past with its provincial rivalries.

    Neither the 1st Satmar Rebbe zt"l nor the last Lubavitcher Rebbe zt"l left sons as heirs.

    In Satmar it was the nephew Reb Moshe zt"l who took over -- now it's just his splintered family that runs it -- and in Chabad it has been the Shluchim APPOINTED by the Rebbe who took over as local potentates all over the wrorld.

    Satmar and Chabad actually have no real reason to fight. They do not share "borders" except in Brooklyn, and they have different agendas, and now that they have powerful satelite communities outside of Brooklyn, there is no need for them to fight each other in Brooklyn and hence anywher else.

    They are the biggest Chasidic movements in the Unted States and they have entirely different objectives: While Satmar is enetirely INTERNALLY focused, with the goal of making it's own communities stronger, on the other hand Chabad is EXTERNALLY focused, with the desire to mekarev all Jews (Satmar is opposed to kiruv to SECULAR Jews, much prefering to fight them instead, especially the "Tziyoinim") and leaves it to others to do kiruv to non-frum Jews.

    On a feeper level, for those in the know, the position of Reb Yoelish Teitelbaum within Satmar is not much different to the status of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe within Chabad. Within Satmar, noone and nothing can be holier or greater or better than Reb Yoelish (he too is a as close to "god in aguf" as any human will ever achieve and they BELIEVE in him passionately) being quite the same with the way Chabad adores the last Lubavitcher Rebbe. To Satmars the grave of Reb Yoelish in Monroe NY is just as important as the grave of the last Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens NY, vehameivin yavin! It's the same system and concept at work that the greatest of the movements Tzadikim attains a kind of "immortality" even after death because of his being the ultimate and greatest Tzadik. You really have to be Chasidish or really grasp how they think and function to appreciate the truth and power of this!

    So it is no wonder that the current crop of Chabad and Satmar leaders have concluded they have nothing to fight over and that they actually do no conflict but rather complement each other.

    Thus when Satmars travel all over the world, they know that they have a friend to stop at when they come to a local Chabad rabbi anywhere. The Satmars can build their INTERNALLLY FOCUSED financial empire and the Lubavitchers can go on reaching out their EXTERNALLY FOCUSED shlichus to anyone they can. Both are on different missions. They can also help each politically because they have the same religious and sociological needs like the strict Charedim that they both are.

    Here are the news reoprts that reveal the latest turn of events and sea change in the relationship between Satmar and Chabad. In all probability all the major Charedi groups will follow Satmar's example, and let Lubavitchers belive in the Rebbe ANY WAY THEY WANT because they are not leaving Yiddishkeit, given the enormous OUTSIDE challenges that face all Chasidic and Charedi groups and communities from their enemies.


    VIN reported on 05-14-08

    (The same report was published in YW May 14, 2008 with the headline "Lubavitch Shlichim Meet With Satmar Rebbe From Kiryas Yoel". Both reports have photos.)

    "Kiryas Joel, NY - Chabad And Satmar Strengthening The Ties.

    Kiryas Joel, NY - Earlier this week chabad Shliachim to Princeton, NJ, Rabbi Dovid Dubov, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro of Morristown, NJ and Rabbi Dubov’s two sons Sholom Ber - age 11 and Motty - age 9 met with the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum in his Kiryas Yoel home.

    The purpose of the 40-minute long was to present Rabbi Teitelbaum with the entire 25-volume of Yalkut Moshiach Ugeula Al Hatorah.

    Rabbi Dubov shared with the Satmar Rebbe the scope of the project how the Lubavitcher Rebbe Zt’l wanted everyone should learn about Moshiach Ugeula and the idea of collecting Mefarshim form hundreds of different commentary on the Torah in the subject of Moshiach Ugeula.

    The Satmar Rebbe was very touched that commentary from his ancestors in the Satmar dynasty such as; Yismach Moshe, Atzei Chaim, Kedushas Yom Tov, and Yeetav Lev etc are included in the Yalkut Moshiach Ugeula Seforim. In general he was looking at the Seforim for over 10 minutes and expressed great admiration for the scope of the project and wished great Hatzlacha for the completion until the end of the Torah.

    Rabbi Teitelbaum spoke very highly of the Shliach, Rabbi Yonosan Denebeim [VIN had a story on rabbi Denebeim] director of Chabad of Palm Springs, California where he goes on vacation and Davens at the Chabad Shul and uses the Mikvah.

    He related a story where many years ago there were certain organizations who wanted to stop Lubavitch Yeshivos form getting support from certain programs and he personally called and spoke to the ones in charge that they should not stop, C”V to support Lubavitch and B”H they have not. A few years later, Rabbi Teitelbaum continued, the same people wanted to stop Satmer Yeshivos from getting support (due to Internal Machlokes etc) and at that time LUBAVITCH intervened and helped Satmar. He spoke with great Kovod how Satmar helped Lubavitch and Lubavitch helped Satmar.

    Rabbi Teitelbaum spoke to Rabbi Dubov in great length about his shlichus work in Princeton and the approach of Lubavitch. He asked how many families come to shul on Shabbos, and Rabbi Dubov answered approximately 40 families. He asked if they are all shomer shabbos and Rabbi Dubov answered “many are and many are on the way of becoming shomer shabbos.” He smiled and liked the answer.

    He spoke to Rabbi Chaim Schapiro regarding Morristown and Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz the principal of the boys Cheder. He then spoke to the Shluchim kids about their learning and their shlichus.

    During the course of the visits there were Divrei Torah and Chassidishe stories about the Rebbe that Rabbi Dubov and Rabbi Schapiro shared with the Satmar Rebbe.

    On the way out his Gabboim thanked the Shluchim for coming and said that their Rebbe enjoyed the visit very much. (News Source:"


    Reported in VIN 04-04-08

    "Kiryas Joel, NY - Partners in Strengthening Torah and Mitzvos: Chabad And Satmar.

    Kiryas Joel, NY - Remember the days Chabad and Satmar were at each other’s throats?

    Back in the 70s and 80s, it seemed that the two would never see eye to eye. The insular Satmars of Williamsburg and the extroverted Lubavitchers of Crown Heights clashed in more than mere ideology. Philosophical disagreements over how to view secular Jews, the secular State of Israel and indeed, the world at large, created bad blood, and worse between the two powerful Chasidic communities.

    But if you were at Mr. Meir Hirsh’s Kiryas Yoel home this past Tuesday—or if you’ve been on business in the Far East, or in a growing number of obscure U.S. locations, for that matter—all that enmity was ancient history.
    Mr. Hirsch, a lifelong Satmar Chosid and director of Kiryas Yoel’s educational organizations, organized a “Hakoras HaTov” fundraising evening to honor Rabbi Yonason Denebeim of Palm Springs, California, where a rapidly-growing number of Satmar and other Chassidim have been traveling for summer vacations and benefiting from the only acceptable beis medrash, shul, mikvah, and kosher food in town: Chabad of Palm Springs.

    During his visit and tour of the Satmar stronghold, Rabbi Denebeim was impressed by the town’s multifaceted communal infrastructure, including a vast slaughterhouse.

    From major Far East business centers like Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Tokyo, Singapore, South, and Central America, and now even Vietnam to far-flung suburbs across America and a growing number of major and minor European and FSU cities, many a traveling Satmar has found a familiar face and a helping hand in the numerous Chabad shluchim dotting the globe. And many a Lubavitcher shliach has found a most unlikely financial supporter in a grateful Satmar Chosid. The new Chabad mikvah in Beijing, for example, was primarily funded by Satmar chassidim Mr. Yechezkel Brach CEO of sound around audio Brooklyn, NY, and Avrohom Boruch Godinger, and his partner Mr. Zev Lefkowitz, CEO of Godinger Silver and a resident of Kiryas Yoel.

    Odd couples? Perhaps. But it’s one of the fastest-growing secrets in the frum community—not to mention a hugely inspiring example of true Ahavas Yisroel and Achdus Yisroel: Today, Chabad and Satmar have come together."


    VIN of 08-28-08 reports (same report with more photos in COL יום רביעי, כ''ו אב ה'תשס''ח "חסיד חב"ד תרם מקווה לסאטמר; האדמו"ר הגיע לבקרו

    "Sullivan County, NY - Satmar - Lubavitch Strengthens Its Relationship With New Mikvah Donation

    Sullivan County, NY - White Lake is a small hamlet in the town of Bethel on Route 17B. As most people familiar with the Catskills in Sullivan County know, White Lake becomes a strong Satmar enclave during the summer months. Few people, however, know that a new Mikveh is being built in the area to accommodate the spiritual needs of the Satmar Chassidim that make their summer homes there. And even fewer people know that the Mikveh was the result of the generous philanthropy of Reb Shlomo Drimmer, a Lubavitch Chassid.

    No, you did not misread that last clause – Rabbi Shlomo Drimmer is a Lubavitch Chassid who, in fact, just hosted the Satmar Rebbe – Rebbe Zalman Leib Teitelbaum in his summer residence. arranging this meeting was Reb Bourch Stein a satmar chosid and a friend of Shlomo, Present at the meeting was Rabbi Yoseph Tzvi Segal – the Rosh Kollel of the Tzemach Tzeddek Kollel in Jerusalem. Rabbi Drimmer in recalling the antagonism between the two Chassidic movements in the seventies remarked, “Things, of course, have changed considerably.”

    Reb Zalmen Teitelbaum is one of the two Satmar Rebbes and is the third son of the previous Satmar Rebbe. In 2007, Reb Zalmen was voted the 15th most prominent Rabbi by Newsweek. Reb Zalmen’s older brother Reb Aharon is the other Satmar Rebbe and has a stronghold in Kiryas Yoel in Monroe.

    As reported in a VIN News previous report , this past May, Lubavitch Shlichim from Morristown New Jersey and from Princeton New Jersey met with the other Satmar Rebbe Shlita - Rav Aharon Teitelbaum and cordially presented him with Lubavitch Seforim . The meeting was very effective in building new bridges between them. As well in April a fund raising was held in Kiryas Joel to help A chabad Rabbbi from Palm Springs, CA.

    The idea for the Mikveh in White Lake started years ago and Mr. Drimmer, a succesful business from Crown Heights, decided to donate generously. Two weeks ago, the groundbreaking ceremony was held, in the presence of Mr. Drimmer. Mr. Drimmer is a successful appliance dealer. Rabbi Segal and the Satmar Rebbe both happen to be descendants of the Bais HaRav.

    “I live just two minutes from them, and I get along quite well with them. I Daven Mincha there every Shabbos.” After Mincha, Mr. Drimmer speaks in learning to one of the more prominent Maggidei Shiur there – Rabbi Shmaya Greenbaum – author of Mishnayos Seyata D’Shmaya. Rabbi Greenbaum noted that the meeting was an important doorway to open. Mr. Drimmer is grandson of Rabbi Shlomo Drimmer zatzal – author of the Bais Shlomo.

    “Boruch Hashem, we have seen a thawing out of the tension that existed between these two movements,” remarked a Dayan that deals with both Satmar and Lubavitch. “This is clearly a product of our Tefilos for Shalom al Kol Yisroel – we must continue to have strong kavanah in all our Shalom-oriented Tefilos.”

    Mr. Drimmer has a reputation in Crown Heights for tolerance of all types of movements within Lubavitch. Mr. Drimmer was clearly influenced by his own mentor, Rav Zalman Shimon Dvorkin ob”m, in his general outlook - how to approach other people and how to deal with any given situation.

    This is, by the way, not a unique donation – as the Chabad Mikveh in Beijing China was recently sponsored by, you guessed it, Satmar Chassidim. They also donated a Sefer Torah.

    In a related story, a new housing project in White Lake on Route 55 recently held an open house. Although primarily targeted to Satmar families – the open house attracted Chassidim of all types and also had Lubavitch visitors visiting as well.

    It is the hope that the latest developments in intra-Hasidic relations will be a portent of the arrival of Moshiach Tzidkainu Amain. (News Source: VIN News By Ben Mewluke - COL)"


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