Monday, August 11, 2008

Chabad - Ad hominem attacks are not convincing

There seems to be a problem with some of those defending Chabad. I would suggest they read Rabbi Oliver's posting to see how one can communicate disagreement and raise intelligent points without being offensive. If the below posters are mainly concerned with ridiculing those who disagree with them - they should stick to blogs such as Hirschel Tzig's Circus Tent. This is an old complaint about Chabad - the arrogant in-your-face attitude of "why are you people so stupid and hateful that you don't recognize our spiritual superiority and loving kindness towards our fellow Jews?"

Anonymous wrote:
Very appropriate that I came across this blog on tisha BAv. The question I have for you is when you will face Hashem will Hashem say you helped Moshiach come sooner or you were part of the Tishah BAv problem of sinas chinom etc. and delayed the Geula. In your heart I hope you have an honest answer and you will close down this hateful site before it is too late to fix the damage you are doing.
mashpiaonline's comment to "Chabad -The apologetics aren't satisfiying":
i have tried unsuccessfully to get on this site posts-apparently anyone above imbecile intelligence isn't allowed.
you say you aren't an expert about certain kabbalistic concepts but you favor reb nachman's interpretation-if you aren't an expert who are you to favor?
furthermore you say about oliver-whoever he may be that you wish he were more convincing but then you go about trashing Chabad as another religion because it wasn't what YOU SAW . again if the person only saw one way all of his life how could he be open to another way unless he truly studied wanting to understand. in your case you study lekanter which excludes you from ever understanding. Reb Moshe was saved from Russia by the efforts of the Lubavitcher Chassidim according to a close friend of the family and he reported that the rebbetzin spoke often to the Rebbe's rebbetzin. Reb Moshe calls the Rebbe hagaon Hakodosh in a teshuva-is that the title for shabsi tzvy ?
your level of argument goes like this-this is how i understand idon't want to understand differently therefore you are an apikores-wonderfully intelligent!
Hirschel Tzig wrote:
I was recently made aware of the DaatTorah Blog. In a nutshell; the blog can be defined in one word: Hateful. In a scholarly, "We're concerned about the problematic teachings and sichos" kind of way. Which is kind of like the white supremacists pointing out the "problematic passages in the Talmud." If you have a problem with Jews then you'll believe anything. The same goes for Lubavitch, a microcosm of the entire Klal Yisroel. What DaatTorah is, is basically rehashed Areivim posts and thoughts by some of the shining stars who post there, Mr. Eidensohn included.
Anonymous wrote:
"this commentator is ignorant and he is going to criticize tanya or the Rebbeim?! get a grip as to who you really are and stick to simple gemores and kitzur shulchan aruch my friend.this is the level of scholarship of the critics who are taught to mindlessly hate chabad even while we were taught to love all Jews even this level of ignorant soiney-do teshuveh my friend- learn tanya chelek alef especially chapter 32"


  1. Very appropriate that I came across this blog on tisha BAv. The question I have for you is when you will face Hashem will Hashem say you helped Moshiach come sooner or you were part of the Tishah BAv problem of sinas chinom etc. and delayed the Geula. In your heart I hope you have an honest answer and you will close down this hateful site before it is too late to fix the damage you are doing.

  2. Once again, we see Chabad defenders merely throwing out labels, rather than quoting Halacha or traditional Jewish commentaries.

    It sort of adds credence to those who accuse Chabad of being a movement where Halacha isn't relevant.

  3. I agree with the comment that this is adding to sinas chinom and machlokos. I urge the blogger of "Daas Torah" to realize that this blog is against "Daas Torah".


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