Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Jury Rejects Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against New York Times


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin lost her libel lawsuit against The New York Times on Tuesday when a jury rejected her claim that the newspaper maliciously damaged her reputation by erroneously linking her campaign rhetoric to a mass shooting.

A judge had already declared that if the jury sided with Palin, he would set aside its verdict on the grounds that she hadn’t proven the paper acted maliciously, something required in libel suits involving public figures.

Schools cancel visit of rabbi accused of making homophobic statements


At least two Jewish schools have cancelled a visit by a Chasidic rabbi from Jerusalem who has been accused of making homophobic statements.

In 2015, the Israeli news site Ynet reported that Rabbi Horowitz, when asked about equal rights for same-sex couples, had suggested it would be as inconceivable as granting rights for murderers.

"There is a community which wants to murder other people," he told the newspaper. "It's their nature and they must murder – so we should give them equality? Why give them equality, because they are murderers?”

Religious gay men had the option of either suppressing their desire or marrying a woman.”Some women want sons, and they don't care how they do it," he was quoting as saying. "Some women don't really want a relationship with a man, so it's possible.”

Donald Trump Would Have Been Executed Over Server Access Claims, Son Says


Fox News had reported the claims as Clinton's presidential campaign paying a technology company to "infiltrate" servers tied to Trump, despite the word "infiltrate" not appearing in the motion.

In a statement to The Washington Post, a spokesman for Joffe said: "Contrary to the allegations in this recent filing, Mr. Joffe is an apolitical Internet security expert with decades of service to the U.S. Government who has never worked for a political party, and who legally provided access to DNS data obtained from a private client that separately was providing DNS services to the Executive Office of the President (EOP)."

The statement added that Joffe's contract meant he had lawful access to analyze DNS data in order to identify and analyze security breaches or threats.

Child Abuse: The Collusion and Cover up by Lauder Chabad

The role played by Jacob Biderman head of the Lauder school in the cover up of the abuse of Sammy and Benji Schlesinger who have been held captive in his school since they were 2 years old is no secret. At Beth’s pleas for the children to be assessed, Judge Gottclicher visited the kindergarten herself in November 2012. Despite her recording that Benji was “deliberately ramming himself against the wall” in an act of self-harm, Biderman testified to the Court 5 months earlier that the children were “thriving with their father”.

Dated 15.5.2012
I, Rabbi Jacob Biderman, born on 28.11.1957 declare the following in testimony to the court:
In the last few days I was contacted by a Rabbinic colleague in England who informed me that an acquaintance of Beth Schlesinger has initiated a media campaign which is about to be publicised. The media campaign claims that this is a "horror story"; that the twins Samuel and Benjamin Schlesinger are in a very bad state with their father and that their father is endangering them. They further claim that this is demonstrated by the fact that Samuel needed a number of teeth removed. I refuted these claims and told this Rabbi that the director of the Lauder Chabad Kindergarten, which is under my authority, has told me not only about how well the children have settled into kindergarten since Autumn but also how much they have developed psychologically. I also told my English colleague that these false and one-sided claims illustrate amateur journalism and above all, harm the children Furthermore, I am being harassed by different Rabbonim from England, Israel and Australia who have contacted me to ask me to help the mother because - according to her
- the children are in a terrible state.

Rabbi Jacob Biderman

In response to the “harassing Rabbonim,” Biderman slandered Beth, repeating Mr Schelsinger’s claims that Beth had “psychiatric issues” and the children had to be removed from her. Biderman barely knew Beth and hadn’t even spoken to her about these claims.
The director of the Lauder Chabad school is Mrs Rivka Mendelsohn. On Sunday 24th February 2013, Beth bumped into her daughter Batya Mendelsohn who reported to Beth as follows:

Batya had seen the twins in the Chabad shul the day before (shabbat) and one of the twins had been crying continuously the entire time. She said the crying was so bad that Mr Schlesinger had to leave with the children. She further told Beth that her mother, the director of Lauder Chabad had been “terrrorised and reduced to tears by Mr Schlesinger’s lawyer, Marina Breitenecker as well as by a judge” (presumably Konstanze Thau) who had threatened her.

Batya said her mother very much wanted to talk to Beth about the children as she was very concerned for the twins who were clearly in a bad state. However, since her mother Rivka Mendelsohn was “constantly receiving threatening telephone calls and letters (from the
father’s side) she was too afraid.

Beth’s lawyer applied for both Batya and Rivka Mendelsohn to come to Court as witnesses to testify about what had happened. When they came before the Judge as witnesses, however, both denied having been threatened and denied that the conversations with Beth had ever taken place.

Below is the email from Biderman evidencing the father and his lawyer’s intimidation tactics to the school.

Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:40 PM

Subject: AW: visit today

Dear Rabbi Kennard and Mrs. Schlesinger,

I have learned that it is impossible for me to mediate in this case, it is beyond my capacity. I hear all the time from both sides a complete different narrative about every single detail, who is willing/not willing, doing/not doing, what has happened/not happened etc. and above all what is good/bad for the children.

In addition I regret to have to share with you that Dr. Schlesinger’s lawyer wrote this afternoon, in contradiction to my previous email, that the kindergarten may not give the mother any information about the children without the permission of the father which has the custody right over the children by the verdict of the court.

I really believe that in this case only someone that has the needed education, experience and time to get involved and follow consistently the case from the near can be of help and mediate. I plea for understanding and ask you to approach other Rabbis or/and the ESRA association for the benefit of the situation.

With best wishes for an easy fast

Rabbi Jacob Biderman

The above statement is a blatant lie. At no time was there a court order preventing the school from speaking to Beth or providing her with welfare reports. Despite Beth’s repeated requests for Biderman to show her any such Court order, Biderman was unable to produce one. Nevertheless, he and his school blocked all of Beth’s access to the children who were under his control. Beth was excluded from all parent meetings, parties and events.

Ronald Lauder’s personal reputation is being damaged by the cover up of child abuse in an institution bearing his name. Sammy and Benji Schlesinger have been victims of a massive miscarriage of justice and denied their mother’s love over a decade. The above actions demonstrate that not only were Chabad complicit in the abuse but actively colluded in destroying 2 children’s lives.

Support Letter of JRC of greater Manchester Beth Alexander

 7 February 2022

Mr Oskar Deutsch

IKG Wien

Email: office@ikg-wien.at

Dear Mr Deutsch


I write to you as the representative body of the Jewish community of Greater Manchester & Region. The Alexander family are prominent members of our community and we have been asked to intervene and proactively support the campaign to reunite Beth with her children.

I appeal to you as the head of the Austrian Jewish community to address this issue. In good conscience, I fail to see how a Jewish representative body can fail to understand the devastating effect this case has had on a mother and her children. I request the Austrian Jewish community look to proactively resolve this situation which is causing immense damage to all involved.

For the sake of the future mental health and wellbeing of her sons, Benjie and Sammy, this wrongful treatment of Beth Alexander needs to urgently cease. I am sure your voice as leader of the community is extremely powerful. As a result, I kindly request you advocate for a full and healthy relationship between Beth and her children.

If the JRC are able to support in any way, then please do not hesitate to be in touch.

Yours sincerely

Marc Levy

Chief Executive

Special counsel Durham alleges Clinton campaign lawyer used data to raise suspicions about Trump


Special counsel John Durham accused a lawyer for the Democrats of sharing with the CIA in 2017 internet data purported to show Russian-made phones being used in the vicinity of the White House complex, as part of a broader effort to raise the intelligence community's suspicions of Donald Trump's ties to Russia shortly after he took office.
The accusation -- which Durham couched in vague, technical language in a court filing late Friday -- has been seized upon by Trump and his supporters, who claim the former President was subjected to a smear campaign.

Trump tax accountants cut ties, say his financial statements can’t ‘be relied upon’


The accounting firm that prepared former US president Donald Trump’s annual financial statements says the documents, used to secure lucrative loans and burnish Trump’s image as a wealthy businessman, “should no longer be relied upon” after New York’s attorney general said they regularly misstated the value of assets.

In a letter to the Trump Organization’s lawyer Feb. 9, Mazars USA LLP advised the company to inform anyone who had gotten the documents not to use them when assessing the financial health of the company and the ex-president. The firm also said it was cutting ties with Trump, its highest-profile client.



In a bombshell announcement on Monday, senior U.S. district judge Jed Rakoff said he plans to toss out Sarah Palin’s defamation suit against The New York Times––a decision he made while the jury was still deliberating. This ruling, Rakoff explained, was based on his belief that no jury could reasonably prove that the Times and its former editorial page editor James Bennet acted with “actual malice” when it published a 2017 editorial linking Palin’s political action committee to the 2011 mass shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords’s constituent event.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Letter supporting Beth Alexander



Mr. Deutsch,

I am the grandson and great grandson of Oskar and Hannah Grunsfeld and Tzvi and Karoline Grunsfeld. My grandparents and great grandparents lived in Vienna for a few years when they were expelled by the Nazis from Lakenbach in 1933. As such, it is with great regret that I have watched the regression of this once outstanding Jewish community.

I am also one of more than 6000 members of a Facebook group, comprised of friends and supporters of Beth Alexander, who have mobilized from every corner of the world, from every walk of life, united and determined to help Ms. Alexander end this most outrageous injustice for once and for all.

As such, I read your “response” letter addressed to Rabbi Mirvis with deep disappointment. You began your letter with the words “K’vod HaRav”, but your letter contained the opposite of Kavod HaRav. While I found nearly every sentence of your “response letter” to be inaccurate and/or offensive, I wish to focus on the two “arguments” that I personally found the most offensive.

First, you trotted out the mantra that the Viennese Jewish Community (IKG) does not have the power to overrule the court decisions which awarded sole custody to Mr. Schlesinger. Of course, all people possessing even a single a brain cell understand this basic legal premise. Rather, the Chief Rabbi, and thousands of Jews around the world, have implored you to employ every effort to persuade/influence, or if needed, pressure, Mr. Schlesinger to, for the first time in his life, act in the interest of his sons, and stop depriving his sons access to their mother. Mr. Schlesinger could allow Ms. Alexander to take her rightful place as the mother of her children in the blink of an eye.  You are fully aware of this. Any person with an ounce of intelligence is fully aware of this. Thus, for you to fob off the Chief Rabbi with the irrelevancy about not having the ability to overturn a Court Decision is an outrage.

Second, you throw your hands up and play the victim, arguing that the IKG has already taken every possible measure it can to assist Ms. Alexander. Of course, this is not true. To give just the most obvious example, the IKG Rabbinic and lay leadership should issue an immediate statement that until Mr. Schlesinger allows Ms. Alexander full and complete access to her children:
  • No shul shall admit Mr. Schlesinger.
  • No IKG member should step into Mr. Schlesinger’s home or allow him into their home.
  • No member of the IKG should conduct any form of business transaction with Mr. Schlesinger.
  • No member of the IKG should speak to Mr. Schlesinger.
  • Mr. Schlesinger shall be excluded from all benefits available to members of the IKG.

You say you understand Ms. Alexander’s pain but have you actually considered for even one moment,  how you would feel, if God forbid you or a loved one were suddenly cut off from your children for TEN YEARS.

Mr. Deutsch, the entire world Jewish community is aghast at the conduct of the IKG. It is not too late to act to rectify this most egregious injustice, for which the IKG shares significant
responsibility, via its actions and omissions.

The Jewish World implores you as the President of the IKG, to take the appropriate and immediate actions to end this outrage.

Respectfully, Gerry Grunsfeld, Esq.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine crisis, explained


Putin himself has to decide what he wants. “He has two options,” said Olga Lautman, senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis. One is “to say, ‘Never mind, just kidding,’ which will show his weakness and shows that he was intimidated by US and Europe standing together — and that creates weakness for him at home and with countries he’s attempting to influence.”

“Or he goes full forward with an attack,” she said. “At this point, we don’t know where it’s going, but the prospects are very grim.”

US Broadcast IKG Conspiracy Scandal against Beth UK Mum of Twins

Rav Hirsch 18th letter

Nineteen Letters 18

Letter 18

Blockades on Canada-U.S. border continue as protests swell


While the protesters are decrying vaccine mandates for truckers and other COVID-19 restrictions, many of Canada’s public health measures, such as mask rules and vaccine passports for getting into restaurants and theaters, are already falling away as the omicron surge levels off.

Pandemic restrictions have been far stricter there than in the U.S., but Canadians have largely supported them. The vast majority of Canadians are vaccinated, and the COVID-19 death rate is one-third that of the United States.

What does it mean to be a Jew?


Well, we know that while Jews were targeted as a race in the Holocaust, we are not a race. There are black Jews and white Jews. There are Asian Jews and Jews of every color and flavor. If we were in fact a race, one would not be able to convert to Judaism, just as you cannot convert to be Asian.

We are also not a religion. If we were a religion, then nonbelievers would not be Jewish. What we are is a family. Like any family, there is a core biological component, but outsiders can marry in and become part of the family. And like any family, once a member, you can never really leave.