Sunday, February 13, 2022

Blockades on Canada-U.S. border continue as protests swell

While the protesters are decrying vaccine mandates for truckers and other COVID-19 restrictions, many of Canada’s public health measures, such as mask rules and vaccine passports for getting into restaurants and theaters, are already falling away as the omicron surge levels off.

Pandemic restrictions have been far stricter there than in the U.S., but Canadians have largely supported them. The vast majority of Canadians are vaccinated, and the COVID-19 death rate is one-third that of the United States.

1 comment :

  1. Factcheck on Politico - mostly selective facts taken out of context or outdated.
    Yes, until now Canadians have supported some of the most stringent and useless precautions in the world. This is a country where, if you have symptoms, you can get a "free" (actually paid for by taxpayers) PCR test for CoVID. If you then try to travel a day later with that negative test result you will be turned away at the airport because you need a different PCR test that costs $150 done at a local pharmacy. Actually it's the exact same test but that doesn't matter. That's what we've been putting up with.
    Polls right now actually show that a majority of Canadians are either supportive or understanding of the protests and are sick of useless government regulations that did little to stop each wave.
    Yes, restrictions at the provincial level are starting to drop but the federal government, to show how tough it is against these protests, is actually discussing increasing restrictions on travel within the country for the unvaccinated.
    There's also a matter of government incompetence in these protests. The best time to stop a protest is at the beginning. The protestors in Ottawa are now fully organized and settled in with actual supply lines. Short of a military intervention, they're not going anywhere. Same with the ones blocking the border. We'll need the US to send its army in to clear them out.


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