Sunday, September 22, 2024

Republican Party Kamikazes

The larger GOP problem is that many on the right care more about their political brands than accomplishing something. Their seats are safe, and if Republicans lose the House because colleagues lose swing seats, so what? The kamikazes get more air time on cable in opposition. They also don’t have to vote for messy compromises that make incremental progress.

1 comment:

  1. No, it's pretty much the media's obsession with portraying the right the way it does, just like it portrays Israel as the aggressor against Hamas and Hezbollah even though it was the one attacked.
    There's enough dirt, idiocy and facism on the left to match anything the right has to offer. If you want, you can fill your feed with stupid things the left has said every day for months now but you don't. Instead, the media provides you with only the right's foibles and you run with it as if there was nothing else out there.


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