Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Trump Betrayal of Profamily Agenda & Supporters

 1) first version of a letter to the MonseyMevaser.Com (Aug. 1, p.10) regarding a a Torah-based perspective on Trump's gutting the GOP platform of its' previous opposition to Sodomist "marriage," Assisted Suicide/ Euthanasia, and much of Abortion-at-whim;

2) a timeless and powerful statement of Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik OBM, on the Torah imperative to UNCOMPROMISINGLY confront anti-Torah movements - whether being promoted by  governmental tyranny or otherwise, from Dialogue, Fall 2013, quoted at the conclusion of a landmark article by Rav Meir Twersky Shlit"a, "Judaism and Deviant Behavior."

Friends, again, we learn about yet another Trump betrayal of the profamily cause: 

This is one more example of what we've been warning about for years - about how Trump threatens to devastate the GOP and the Republican base (especially, via the elements of that base that serve Trump's LGBT agenda as useful idiots - by wearing the profamily badge - while supporting Trump no matter how grave his betrayal of the profamily agenda, aka "Ever-Trumpers") more than any elected Democrats could ever do on their own - to the GOP or the conservative base.

This betrayal also illustrates how much of an exploitationist Trump really is - all with much help from his enablers. His remaining, ostensibly-profamily Amen-Choir incessantly message Don "Grennell" Trump to feel reassured that - regardless of his flagrant, repeated betrayals of the authentic profamily, conservative cause -- he'll be able to rely on the unwavering support of said faux-pro-family activists -- to provide him cover and protection from the logical political consequences of his LGBTQ advocacy and more.

Consequently, Trump knows up front that he never needs to fear lurching Ever Leftward on moral values, especially LGB- & T/2 (the less extreme elements of the trans agenda) - given all the Ever-Trumper lemmings who have his back. (Together with the broader Trump Personality Cult Community - including far too many sadly post-cognitive people - we see why Trump need not spend so much on professional campaign staff...)

Consequently, we find Trump uninhibited about revealing - prior to the Republican Primary - that he's fully committed to "fighting hard" for the LGBTQ mob.*

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Help Rescue Our Children


Direct: 771.215.8892

Israeli Helpline: 03.721.3337


Tomim Tih'yeh [countering New Age influences internationally]:

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