Tuesday, August 20, 2024

GOP’s Biden impeachment effort fizzles with report’s release


The signature investigation of the Republican-led House fizzled to a close Monday as the GOP capped a yearlong probe into President Biden with a series of allegations but no recommendation to move forward with impeachment.

It’s an unusual end for a process that took up much of the oxygen in Washington for months at a time.

The investigation started with a pledge to showcase that President Biden abused his power and was at the center of a corrupt plot to enrich his family — a high bar that raised doubts from some in the GOP.

But the report failed to uncover a smoking gun, instead relying on largely debunked threads, disputed testimony, and circumstantial evidence that failed to directly tie any official action from President Biden to his family’s business dealings.


  1. Oh, and you were doing so well.
    Listen, it's the boy who cried wolf. The same folks who continue to insist that Trump colluded with Russia despite any actual evidence insist Biden is squeaky clean despite actual evidence.

    1. Far from a hoax, as the president so often claimed, the report reveals how the Trump campaign willingly engaged with Russian operatives implementing the influence effort. For instance, the report exposes interactions and information exchanged between Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. According to the report, campaign figures “presented attractive targets for foreign influence, creating notable counterintelligence vulnerabilities.” (Manafort was later convicted of tax and bank fraud.)

    2. There's lots of evidence that multiple members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. There's no evidence that Trump himself colluded.

      Even the fact that Trump really likes Putin isn't evidence for collusion. It's just that Trump prefers autocratic leaders like Putin and Kim Jon Un, and has often expressed admiration for the control they maintain over their countries.

      But there's really no evidence against Joe Biden. Hunter was offered high-paying positions because those paying him hoped that these payments would provide them access to Joe. But there's no evidence that those payments ever paid off in providing that access or any influence. Years of Republicans' obsession with Hunter's drug problems, private problems, and private parts proved that Hunter has a lot of issues to work through.

    3. Guess you don't view asking Russia to hack Hillary's emails as collusion Why not?

    4. Because saying, "Russia, if you're listening" and talking about Hillary's emails isn't direct collusion. It can be hand-waved away as campaign rhetoric. There's no evidence I'm aware of that Trump himself met with anyone from Russia about his campaign. Claiming that remark is evidence of collusion makes it easy to dismiss the actual evidence. "tafasta meribah lo tafasta".

      There was plenty of direct collusion between Russia and people working for the Trump campaign, from Paul Manafort to Jeff Sessions. Russian spy Maria Butina infiltrated the NRA.

    5. Wow so collusion requires personal meetings?! Maybe a publicly televised contract signing? Where did these requirements come from. Please give examples of criminal collusion?


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