Sunday, July 28, 2024

WSJ editorial board slams Vance over cat lady remark

The Wall Street Journal editorial board slammed Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance over previous comments he made about “childless cat ladies.”

“The comment is the sort of smart-aleck crack that gets laughs in certain right-wing male precincts,” the Journal editorial board said in a new opinion piece. “But it doesn’t play well with the millions of female voters, many of them Republican, who will decide the presidential race.”


  1. But is he wrong?
    A person with no children doesn't care about what will happen a generation after she dies. A person with children will want to push society in ways that ensure the children get the same opportunities she did. They have a greater interest in long-term planning.

    1. More idiocy from Ironhead. A person with no children doesn't care?? Did the Gedolei Yisroel who never had kids not care? Typical stupid statements

    2. Okay, Baltimore, go and review the qualifications a chazan must have for doing Selichos and the Yamim Noraim and get back to me when you reach the part about having children,.

    3. A dayan also has to have children but it's idiocy to say that somebody without children doesn't care about rhe next generation. Thats patently false. Perhaps what you meant to say is someone who doesn't have children by choice.

    4. Head of Sanhedrin is disqualified if he doesn't have children, because he doesn't have rachamim. Rambam doesn't say if it's by choice. But this implies that the middah of rachamim is developed by raising children (lefi Torah values)

    5. Interesting but Chazal say we need to be cruel to our family in order to develop as a Torah Scholar

    6. They are aware that it's natural to have chesed towards your children. It's countervailing this tendency.


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