Sunday, July 21, 2024

Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech

Former President Donald Trump repeated his claim that President Joe Biden wants to hike people’s taxes by four times.

This is false, just as it was when Trump made the same claim during the 2020 election campaign and in early 2024. 

Biden has not proposed quadrupling Americans’ taxes, and there has never been any indication that he is seeking to do so. The nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center think tank, which analyzed Biden’s never-implemented budget proposals for fiscal 2024, found this: “His plan would raise average after-tax incomes for low-income households in 2024, leave them effectively unchanged for middle-income households, and lower after-tax incomes significantly for the highest-income taxpayers.”

1 comment:

  1. As the Canadian government is now doing, the American government will eventually have to do - 4 years of non-stop spending and money printing means massive tax increases to maintain solvency. Somple economics.
    Anyway, if Trump told 20 lies, Biden just tells one - "I am mentally and physically in great shape to be president!"


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