Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Have babies for Russia: Putin presses women to embrace patriotism over feminism

Vladimir Putin, who has long cultivated an aura of machismo as Russia’s strongman leader, is enlisting women to grow Russia’s population through childbirth and to rebuild his nation as a great power steeped in traditional family values — a campaign that is eroding equal rights and protections, human rights advocates and Russian feminists say.

“Many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven or eight children, and maybe even more,” Putin declared to an audience of ultraconservative religious and political figures who had convened in the State Kremlin Palace in November. “We should preserve and revive these wonderful traditions.”


  1. Years ago I recall reading how 90% of Russian pregnancies end in abortion. Meanwhile the Muslims in the 'Stans have 5-10 children. Putin is trying to stave off a demographic dictatorship where the Russians become a small minority in their own country.

    1. There is also the need to have a young average age - but with lower births, the average age rises - who cares for the elderly, who carries the economy? Putin has already succeeded in destroying military aged men, and a mass exodus of other young men. Yemach shmo, he's an idiot


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