Sunday, June 16, 2024

Trump Mocks Biden for Gaffes While Making a Big One of His Own

He then went on to repeat his now infamous story about how he “got every question right” for the crowd at a conservative conference in Detroit, bragging about how the former White House doctor administering the test had “never seen” such an impressive result before. But with that same doctor sitting in the audience, Trump proceeded to butcher his name—twice. “Doc Ronny! Doc Ronny Johnson! Does everyone know Ronny Johnson? Congressman from Texas,” he excitedly declared. He was referring, of course, to Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), the former physician and Republican ally who has repeatedly talked up Trump’s “incredible genes.”


  1. Most people struggle to remember names, it's not a gaffe. Biden struggles to read names off a paper and has confused Ukraine with Israel. That's a gaffe.

  2. If Trump errs it is simply a common human trait but if Biden errs it is because he is senile!?

  3. Nice try but not in the slightest. I have watch them both, Biden has this lost look in his eyes (when he is not wearing sunglasses) and looks and sounds like my 95 year old grandfather. Great coping skills, but not all there and not in this present moment. Trump has aged very well even though he too is not as robust as he once was. No comparison. Nevertheless, is it a concern as at that age, ppl can deteriorate rather quickly from some health trigger.


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