Friday, May 17, 2024

What Would a U.S.-Iran War Look Like? One Word: Bloody.

Going to war against Iran would be no minor matter, and President Trump is irresponsible to act in such a flippant manner. Attacking Iran could trigger a prolonged, costly nightmare in both treasure and blood. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D‑HI), a Democratic presidential candidate, likely is prophetic that a war against Iran would make the Iraq War look like a cakewalk. Tehran certainly has a multitude of ways to retaliate for U.S. aggression and to escalate the bilateral confrontation. U.S. leaders would be wise not to venture farther down that perilous path.

1 comment:

  1. All of this based on the assumptions of a land invasion or occupation. America does not have to do either to win a war with Iran. All it needs to do is unleash its superior firepower, wipe out the IRGC, Iranian navy and various groups like the Houthis. These are things that America easily has the resources for.


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