Friday, May 10, 2024

Loving work

 Michtav M’Eliyahu (Vol 1 page 35) We are commanded to love work. He who is a craftsman and earns a living from it should not view work with contempt since it is only because of necessity that he is working and should not be jealous of the leaders and rabbis who are not working. Thus the emphasis is on loving working as the gemora (Berachos 8) states that one who benefits from his own labor is greater than one who fears G-d i.e., greater than one who benefits from Torah and the fear of G-d it contains (for example Rav who was a rosh yeshiva and leader) because of the dangers and corruption of pride

Michtav M’Eliyahu (Vol 1 page 35) And the Mishna said and hate the rabbinate because the rabbinate and leadership cause degradation although it is never possible for the world to exist without leaders and rabbis. There are times a person has to be a rabbi, but it will be for him only out of necessity, but he will hate the rabbinate to make a living from it and love the job more...

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