Friday, March 29, 2024

Trump Needs His MAGA Followers to Believe America Is Screwed

MAGA (Make America Great Again) isn’t just a message on a red hat, it’s a mantra. And to acknowledge the ways America is currently great (and improving!) is to admit that the country does not, in fact, need a fulminating strongman like Trump to save us from the ashes of our once proud homeland.

As I have learned, saying something like “It’s great to be alive and in America right now” constitutes fighting words. That’s because Donald Trump needs his MAGA followers to believe America is screwed. The danger, of course, is that this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

1 comment:

  1. America is screwed.
    By now, the number of illegal immigrants from the south is in the 10's of millions. Crime is rising in all the major cities, especially the Democrat-controlled ones (and the only way they deny this is by preventing the police from enforcing the law so the number of charges goes down and they say crime decreases!). Inflation remains a concern, housing is unaffordable, universities are controlled by Marxists and churning out idiot scholars, the armed forces are run by people more concerned about pronouns than combat readiness.
    Iran, Russia and China are gearing up for WW3. Iran is about to get nukes and the US is responding by trying to give them billions in sanctions relief. Meanwhile the Houthis have survived feeble American attempts to stop them from firing rockets.
    The world has become a dangerous place during Biden's leadership. You can hate Trump all you want. You can say it would be the same if he was President. But stop lying about how bad the situation is.


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