Monday, March 4, 2024

Russia spreads claims Yad Vashem hides Ukraine Nazi collaboration

Levin, who according to her Facebook page lives in Modiin and runs a nail beautician school, posted on Tuesday the allegations against Yad Vashem on her small one thousand subscriber Youtube channel. The channel posts content in Russian with English subtitles, and mostly on the topic of the Russian-Ukraine War.

Yad Vashem called the blog "strange" and "fictitious" and denied that there had been any concealment, removal, or alteration of its exhibits that obfuscates the collaboration of Ukrainians in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

1 comment:

  1. I want to support the Ukrainians, I really do. But then I remember that, until the Holocaust they held the world record for biggest organized slaughter of Jews in their 1918-1921 pogroms that killed over a hundred thousand Jews. And interestingly, the record that one broke was also theirs, the 1648-1649 uprisings.
    So in conclusion, I hope the Russians and Ukrainians manage to wipe each other out.


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