Monday, March 4, 2024

New York Bail Reform Laws Reduced Recidivism, Contrary to Critics’ Claims 

A study released on March 14, 2023, revealed that New York’s controversial new bail laws have not led to more rearrests of offenders, as some politicians claimed. In fact, according to the study’s authors at the John Jay College Data Collaborative for Justice (DCJ), the opposite is true.

The study focused on the effect in New York City of 2020 bail reform laws, which eliminated a judge’s discretion to impose bail for low-level crimes. What researchers found was that these reforms reduced the likelihood of rearrest, with one exception: The re-arrest rate for those released following a recent violent felony arrest showed a slight increase.

According to DCJ Director Michael Rempel, “Fundamentally, we found that eliminating bail for most misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies reduced recidivism in New York City.”

1 comment:

  1. As Jews who have suffered from Arab threats, intimidation and violence have discovered, there are two ways to reduce arrests: reduce the number of criminals or reduce the number of arrests.
    So yes, the arrest rate is down, because police are no longer arresting the criminals, knowing they'll be released without bail within hours.


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