Sunday, June 18, 2023

What Aaron Burr and Jefferson Davis Tell Us About the Trump Indictments

Both trials may presage the days to come, as politicians and ordinary citizens debate the severity of the charges against Trump, and the implications of sending a former president to prison. It’s nice to say that no one is above the law. But history suggests that may be a good theory that doesn’t always work in practice.


  1. Remember - these charges are political. The trials, if they even happen, won't for another 4-5 years. The point now isn't to put Trump in jail but to force the GOP to rally around his "They're out to get me!"
    What should worry people is how the Democrats are using the legal system to manipulate the outcome of the next election.

  2. total nonsense !
    The charges supported by Trumo's words are not political crimes, Trump supporters refuse to open their eyes and see the facts. They prefer the world they fantasize about
    When Trump tried to get Hillary charged by his attorney General they don't object that is political but pursuing nonsense investigations into the laptop from hell and the Biden crime family is legitimate!

    Republicans are running primarily on this sick platform - that they are victims of Democratic persecutions and are ignoring issues such as the economy, crime and and jobs
    In sum they are totally out of touch with most voters and thus will lose again - no matter who the candidate is

  3. When the AG refused to purse Hillary, that was political. When Hunter Biden's case was suppressed by the media and ignored by the government, that was political.
    Choosing which criminal to go after and which to ignore is political.

  4. Nope!
    Simply parroting false claims
    There was no criminal case against Hillary - even though Trump disagreed with his AG and DOJ . Similarly even the WSJ owned by Murdoch refused to carry the story of the laptop. Now after many years of allegations and investigations - no criminal charges have resulted. The charges against Trump are backed by solid evidence as contrasted with his so called Russian Hoax where no crime was found despite his appointing Durham to investigate the "crime of the century".


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