Thursday, June 15, 2023

Tucker Carlson Says Trump Indicted Because He Opposes 'Neocon War Agenda'

Carlson denounced former Trump allies including former Vice President Mike Pence, ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, and Senator Lindsey Graham for "slobbering over" the ex-president "as if they were addressing a monarch or a god" before turning on him.

"They all called Trump a visionary genius up until the moment he lost power," said Carlson. "And then they unsheathed their real agenda—as always, the neocon war agenda. And they piled on with maximum force."

Carlson reserved his harshest criticism for Pompeo, denouncing him for undermining "Trump's often stated commitment to peace and non-intervention abroad" after playing a clip of the former secretary of state saying that it was "wrong" for Trump to retain sensitive documents during a Fox News appearance earlier in the day.

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