Sunday, June 11, 2023

National Review editorial board: Impossible to read Trump indictment and ‘not be appalled’“That%20said%2C%20it%20is%20impossible,them%2C”%20the%20editorial%20states.

The board for the conservative news outlet noted that many of the boxes that Trump had moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago at the end of his presidency only contained newspaper clippings, photos, cards and letters, but they also included hundreds of documents with classified markings. 


  1. The level of political manipulation is astounding.
    De Santis announces his run for president and, after an initial fumble, starts gathering steam. Chris Chrisie announces his candidacy. Suddenly there's going to be a fight for the Republican nomination. Not that it matters because Trump is way ahead of both and also leading Biden in some national polls.
    And suddenly we get this news. Don't you think it's a little convenient? The timing forces both Trump opponents to pivot and declare their support of him while simultaneously pushing moderate voters away so Biden gets his lead back.
    Does the level of corruption this demonstrates not bother you?

  2. Wow so you believe that this indictment which has been worked on for months was created because Biden knew the future
    You obviously believe in the Tooth fairy

  3. Who said anything about Biden? He's having enough trouble just standing upright at the present time. But he does have a team whose job is to strategize and set up the conditions for him to win.

  4. Wow so facts don't matter and Trump is a merely a victims of a conspiracy

  5. No, it's about the double standard. No question Trump did and is doing things that are wrong and illegal. The thing is, so is Biden but his transgressions are excused or ignored.

  6. Biden is not on the same level as Trump, who is preaching sedition.

  7. What transgressions? - the unsubstantiated accusations that the Republicans have been stupidly investigating for 6 years
    Are you claiming he obstructed justice or lied about possessing classified documents
    Or are you merely parroting the MAGA mantra of "Lock him up" or impeach him

  8. > that the Republicans have been stupidly investigating for 6 years

    I think you meant to write "Democrats"


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