Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fox conspiracy nonsense Biden indicted Trump so he would win nomination


Joe Biden is desperate to run against Donald Trump in 2024. His campaign team imagines that the current president is likely to beat the former president, as he did in 2020. The corollary is that they’re not at all convinced he could win over anybody else. 

Hence, the indictment of Donald Trump on charges of mishandling classified information, which inevitably fuels Trump’s grievance agenda, raises money for his campaign, and appears to have further solidified his standing as front-runner in the crowded GOP primary field. The charges are meant to make his nomination inevitable but weaken his appeal in the general election.


  1. No, this make strategic sense.
    The only GOP candidate Biden has a chance against (and according to many polls, he's already losing to him anyway) is Trump. By indicting Trump, the GOP is forced to rally around him.
    Think about timing. We think "Oh, he's indicted, he's finished." This won't go anywhere for at least a few years (look, they started trying in 2016 and still haven't gotten anywhere) so it's about putting a cloud over his head.
    The GOP responds one of two ways. They kick him out and he leaves with his MAGA crowd to run as an indepedendent and costs the GOP candidate the election. They keep him and all the moderate voters hold their nose and vote for Biden.
    This is a chess game but you refuse to see it.

  2. If Biden runs against someone else, a significant part of the Trump fanatics will stay home and Biden will win.

  3. It's kind of obvious to those of us whose brains haven't been hijacked by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  4. The derangement is Trump's.

  5. part of conspiratorial thinking involves a plot "that makes sense".
    So the Muslims would blame 9/11 on the Jews because it made sense to them, or because it helped Israel, and America would then attack Iraq and declare a war on terror.
    Another was that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad spy, or asset, to trap Clinton, who was pressuring Israel too much on the Palestinian issue.
    So weaving a theory of interests is not proof of an actual conspiracy.

  6. Wow so only Trump supporters can know anything objectively.
    Typical statement made by cult members

  7. Look, you and I, we lead small lives with small stakes. Control of the US government is a big game with big stakes so you have multiple players who have a lot to gain and lose. So you're going to see a lot of plotting and scheming by both sides.

  8. The problem with conspiracy theories is they ignore the facts and focus on whether the idea makes sense. Since Biden benefits he must be doing this - ignores Trump's brazen criminality


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