Tuesday, December 13, 2022

We Need to Protect New York Bail Reform to Protect New York Communities


All New Yorkers, regardless of wealth, age, race, or ZIP code, deserve to be safe. But an often-overlooked fact is that mass incarceration is actually counterproductive to public safety. People detained pretrial, in particular, are more likely to be rearrested in the future compared to people who are released pretrial—a reflection of the impact of ripping people from their families, homes, and jobs and placing them in unsafe jail conditions.

Before bail reform, New Yorkers facing minor charges were forced to pay bail they couldn’t afford just to stay out of jail. Many couldn’t pay even a $500 bail or, if they could, it would be at the expense of paying rent, putting food on the table, or taking care of other necessities. Without reform, the crisis occurring in New York City’s jails—where 18 people have died so far this year—would be that much worse. Bail reform has kept people alive, families together, and hard-working New Yorkers employed.

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