Saturday, December 10, 2022

Search for a scapegoat - Parents internet or Smartphones?

 Mishpacha has been running articles about The problem - for last two weeks it was the failure of family

Before that was the Internet - but we all now know never to criticize or discipline a child

 But now they are saying we are failing for not telling our daughters to go to sleep instead of spending hours talking to friends on their kosher phones. Just when you thought and accepted the blame they publish a new explanation - it is the fault of the yeshivas - contrary to what was stated in the Jewish Observer

Some of us might remember the famous 1999 “Kids on the Fringe” issue of the Jewish Observer, including articles by Rabbi Russell, Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, and Dr. David Pelcovitz. For the first time, the phenomenon was being discussed in an honest and fearless way, but that issue — the magazine’s all-time biggest seller — was actually a response to the previous volume, in which a well-respected mechanech wrote that the overwhelming consensus of Orthodox mental health professionals is that struggling children are the product of dysfunctional families.

“I knew it wasn’t true,” he says emphatically. “But I also knew one other thing: that if you have kids going off, and you’re willing to take the plunge, in relation to the normal functioning of a Torah family, you actually will have to allow your family a level of ‘dysfunction’ in order to save your child. It will most likely mean having someone in your house who isn’t dressed like the others and who isn’t keeping Shabbos.”

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