Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Satan is an Angel

 Ramban (Iyov Introduction)  In the Book of Iyov we have an event involving Satan. It is known from our Tradition that Satan is an angel that was created to prosecute and harm Man and its name means “to oppose” . According to our Sages Satan is also the Angel of Death and the Evil Inclination. Our Sages connect these names to Satan along with their belief that he is actually an angel and not a force of nature as is clear from the events being related here in Iyov and in the beginning of Bava Basra and many other places in their words. In sum they are telling us thar Satan is an angel which was created for the purpose to prosecute and harm and from his power comes adversary to man because he is the cause to the stars of destruction and bloodshed, sword and war as well as wounds, disputes and dispute that are included withinin the influence of Mars and which our Sages say are inherent in the nation of Esau which is the people who have inherited the sword and war. Also in his portion are the demons which our Sages call mazikim while the Torah refers to them as satyrs. Thus Esau’s power is as an adversery and source of harm. He is also the Angel of Death which means he can take away a person’s soul. It seems that the view of our Sages is that death for creatures that talk is not simply the end of life but requires an action done by an angel since it  involves the spiritual entity – the soul.  Satan is also refererred to as the Evil Inclination because it is the source of power of the lusting Nefesh like a fiery star. It also seems from the verses that Satan as well as other Angels act solely according to the Will of G-d and thus there is nothing in Creation that is not done through an angel which has been activated bt G-d

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