Monday, December 12, 2022

Radio host suspended for saying he hopes Haredi MKs hang themselves with tefillin

An Israeli radio station suspended a prominent host until further notice, after he said during an on-air rant Sunday that he hoped some ultra-Orthodox Jews would use ritual phylacteries to hang themselves, implying he was referring to Haredi lawmakers.

Natan Zahavi, known for his blunt style and frequent rants on various issues, made the remarks on Radio 103FM, while railing at Haredi political leadership.


  1. If he says what others might think, what message does this give to frum people?
    That we have lost the art of how to do tochecha?

  2. The Chareidi community has a built in defence mechanism: any criticism of Chareidim is automatically a vicious attack on Chareidi, the Torah and God. Therefore since it's only evil hatred it doesn't have to be listened to or responded to other than with "You hate us, the Torah and God!"

  3. Utj want to turn off electricity every shabbat. Meaning they plan to murder thousands of people every week, not to mention the increase in terror and hostile attacks against the country, which will be left with no early warning systems

  4. UTJ is like a child in a chocolate store and dad gave him a credit card with no limit. I want! I want!
    What do they care about power outages? They have generators. What do they care about terrorist attacks? There are no terror attacks against Torah scholars because Torah protects!
    The Chareidi and Dati Leumi parties have been incredibly arrogant and frankly, I'l ashamed of being religious if that's what people will come to think we are.

  5. Fake news.
    No one is seriously suggesting that the power plants in Israel be shut off for Shabbat.
    Everyone knows that there is a Pikuach Nefesh aspect here.
    The demand is that the power plants be made Shabbos COMPLIANT.
    The fact is that the Israeli electric company has had meetings with religious professionals, and it has been shown many ways how to have electricity production on Shabbos, with minimal or no Halachic issues (automation, using non-Jews, not doing unnecessary maintenance work on Shabbos, etc.).
    The problem is that the secular directors are NOT interested in doing so, and unless there will be a strong demand for it, they will not cooperate.

  6. Fake news about UTJ not caring about Pikuach Nefesh concerns with electricity production on Shabbos.
    See my other comment.

  7. Look, all of these reports are unverified and denied by both UTJ and the Likud. The problem is that, given the Chareidi parties' track record, such outrageous demands seem quite possible for them.

  8. You have to be able to sniff out the BS.
    This alleged demand is so ludicrous, that you can know that it's a bunch of bovine excrement.

  9. There is no shabbos compliant way, other than pikuach nefesh.
    There is so maintenance, active melachos involved, it's likely impossible. Unless you have a swap agreement with Jordan or Egypt, which is impossible.
    Non Jewish staff, not feasible.

    Maybe your guys have experience with a sausage factory, and are arguing by analogy


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