Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Rabbis: Homosexual "Marriage" Recognition: Existential Threat


December 7, '22, Pearl Harbor Day: 

Leaders and all,

To avoid the specter of this Pearl Harbor Day becoming, on yet another count, "The Day that Shall Live in Infamy" -- America needs a genuine "RED WAVE" of righteous indignation to urge Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Rep. Lee Zeldin (R, NY), and Minority Leader McCarthy (as well as Rep. Scalise) to do two things - today:

1) vote against HR8404, being a rebellion against G-d, as well as a betrayal of man, and

2) urge the rest of the GOP to do the same. 

° Stefanik is probably somewhat receptive to public pressure, owing to both her position as House GOP Conference Chairwoman, and her formidable political aspirations.

° Zeldin is also somewhat influential (being considered for a position heading the Republican National Committee, according to Fox News), and has apparently already signaled that he plans on voting No this time.

They need to understand that THIS very day - on Pearl Harbor Day - 81 years later - a horde of Republicans are considering perpetrating an incomprehensible sin, tantamount to - among other things - spitting on each and every one of the graves of the 291 thousand plus combat casualties of that day and thereafter, throughout WWII, and, in fact, ALL of the 405,000-plus American casualties of that devastating war.*  Is THIS what they lived, struggled, fought and died for? Did they make the ultimate sacrifice so that their posterity could {in many cases, commemorate the hundredth anniversary of their birth-year by opting to} destroy the moral fabric on which the Republic was founded?

 (* A war which the saintly Chofetz Chaim OB"M (d.1933) had predicted to occur, as the second of three "Wars of Gog and Magog," as related in "Lev Eliyahu" (al haTorah) of Rav Elya Lopian OB"M).


An Existential Threat:

The more votes this bill gets, the graver the legitimacy that it will lend the the dangerous myth of homosexual marriage, and the graver the danger for "dissidents" who resist this antireligious edict ("Gezairah al HaDas").

Judaism has always charged Jews with carrying a universal message.  Who will share it with the Nations of the World if not us?


»  Our Holy Sages, in the venerated Midrash Rabbah on the Book of VaYikra, 23:9 (on the verse Leviticus 18:3), identify the writing of marriage contracts for homosexual "marriages" as what triggered the Great Flood - the catastrophic deluge that destroyed the entirety of civilization, except No'ach and those saved with him.

»  In the Jerusalem Talmud, tractate Berachos 9:2, our Sages identify the sin of sodomy as one of the sins that precipitates earthquakes.

»  In Babylonian Talmud tractate Chullin, 92b, our Sages enumerate three Divine commandments, to which even morally degraded nations have traditionally adhered. One is their historical refusal to sanction homosexual unions as "marriage."  The clear implication is that undermining that commandment, as HR8404 seeks to do, would undermine a crucial merit, by virtue of which the Nations of the World exist, thus posing an existential threat, as in the days of No'ach's Flood.





UPDATE: HR8404 House vote on homosexual marriage (sic) expected TODAY, Wed. December 7:

Same gender marriage recognition legislation poses existential threat:

HR8404 legislation = legitimization of abomination


Action Items:

Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Please ask to be transferred to (or for the number of) the specific Senator of Congressman needed.

Rep. Elise Stefanik: 

V: 202.225.4611 /

F: 518.561.2408 /



Rep. Lee Zeldin: 

V: 2022253826 /

F: 8664046613


° A senior Orthodox activist explained to me years ago that it's important that the elected officials understand that in addition to being an issue of deeply held principles, this type of legislation poses a very real and present danger, and does so in a very personal and tangible manner. The politicians need to understand from us that this type of legislation is killing us.

° Also realize that many politicians are seeking a way to justify voting for this open rebellion against G-d. They seek to exploit sincere concerns by good people over the threat to religious liberty posed by passing such legislation.  They offer "religious exemptions" - to enlist sincere legislators in their efforts to whitewash this inherently evil legislation. However, as I observed last week in a meeting with some high-level Republican staffers, everyone in the know knows that much of the genuflecting to  religious exemptions is really not only whitewash - but hogwash. That's because the moment the bill would pass, G-d forbid, religious exemptions would be headed on their way out, especially if its religious exemptions are solid (unlike the existing ones). So, in the long run, the religious exemptions will have had served no real purpose other than expediting the lethal legislation (as they did in N.Y. in 2011), and rendering it more acceptable, and thereby more dangerous. What the LGBT movement wants here is legitimization. We provide it to them at our own peril, G-d forbid.

Please contact these key congressmen as soon as you possibly can. A vote is expected sometime in mid-afternoon, but that could shlep, so if you're late - you may not be too late, so call if in doubt.  Please help save America from its greatest menace, the danger from within.

Thank you,

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Help Rescue Our Children / personal account

USA: 845-642-1679* «» 

* for calls and texts, but not WhatsApp

Israeli Helpline: 03-721-3337

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