Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Jerusalem home welcomes formerly ultra-Orthodox Jews

Barata' offers a refuge for those who left the closed world of ultra-Orthodox Judaism

Those who once tried to follow all of Judaism’s laws now celebrate the beginning of Shabbat as a purely cultural event at "Barata" — an open house in Jerusalem for former ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Yoni Klapholtz founded Barata four years ago. Two years ago, he moved the project into a house next to Jerusalem’s central Machane Yehuda Market.

“We love the Shabbat, we eat Shabbat food, sing Shabbat songs. We are not religious therefore we also make music. We add to the Shabbat, we don’t take away from it," Klapholtz said.

1 comment :

  1. This is where the RZ and MO communities have fallen short. For every one non-religious Barata (please, soon we'll be hearing about them having orgy nights as well) there should be 10 MO and DL versions to show Chareidim that they can remain Torah-loyal without all the craziness.


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