Wednesday, December 7, 2022

GOP smells blood with wounded Trump

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who was a reliable Trump ally while he was president, said the comments about suspending the Constitution and Trump’s meeting with Fuentes are potentially “fatal” to his political aspirations.  

“I do think this recent behavior … these are foibles that are approaching fatality among the group that loves Donald Trump,” he said. “That’s the head-scratcher.  



  2. Trump is a very dangerous, wounded animal, and political anarchist.

  3. Here's my prediction. Trump continues to say and attempt to do idiotic things. He might even get charged with something someday. (you surely haven't missed that all these investigations have consistently failed to find anything concrete against him and probably still think that the investigation's existence is all the proof you need) The Republicans will pick someone else as their next presidential candidate, Trump will run as an independent to ensure that if he can't be the Republican candidate, then he won't let the Republicans win. Enough of "the base" will defect with him and give us Biden in 2024.

  4. Donald Trump has defined for us a different path for Republican candidates and elected officials.

    Donald Trump does not overly shape his speech and behavior so that it conforms to to what other Republican are saying and doing and to what pundits in the media say.

    This was and is quite refreshing. It worked well enough to get him elected President of the United States, all the more remarkable because he'd never run for any other public office.

    Eventually his political methodology failed for a variety of reasons. Nevertheless, Donald Trump remains popular enough that he continues to wield political power despite being out of office for several years.

    His legal woes contribute to that popularity. I think there is a sense among his base that there has been some political calculations behind the prosecutions, including the impeachment trials.

    The Republican leadership cannot ignore Donald Trump and yet they do not want him in their party. It is possible Donald Trump will be the undoing of the Republican Party. This would not be a bad thing, because it would ultimately lead to the Democrats crumbling also. I say that because the Democrats don't really stand for much and without the Republicans to rail against they would no longer have much purpose at all.

    From the ruins of the political landscape a better system than the current two-party system would arise.

    Donald Trump went further and seemed to even call for terminating the Constitution. I don't think he intended to promote anarchy. Rather, he feels there must be a better way to govern the country.

    It's hard to argue with his gut reaction to finding out how Democrats and Twitter secretly worked together in ways that benefited the Democrat candidate for President in the past Presidential election, and thus perforce affected Donald Trump's campaign.


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