Friday, February 4, 2022

The Strange Case of Mosheh Friedman

After meeting Hamas official Atef Adwan in Stockholm in 2006, Moshe Friedman announced his intention of building a coalition between Hamas and anti Zionist Jews to bring about Israel's dissolution. To this day, Moshe Friedman insist that the Holocaust was a much smaller event than presented by historians and that it was exaggerated by the Jews to pave the way for the creation of Israel. He claimed during an interview in 2009 that he doesn't consider himself anti Zionist and that there is no such a thing as anti Zionist Jews, although he insisted on his alternate version of the Holocaust and on the need to dissolve the State of Israel.


  1. When you get toxic books like Vayeol Moshe and Al haTemura etc, calling everything connected to Zionism "idolatry", then this guy's actions should not be surprising. If a rebbe claimed that all soft drinks like coke, pepsi etc were treif, and worse than pig's blood (despite having hechsherim) , there would be people burning down supermarkets and makolets. Oh, they do that already with phone shops.

  2. Rabbi Metzger has since been discredited by virtue of being convicted of fraud and serving a prison sentence. Pots and kettles?

  3. What's this got to do with Metzger?

  4. At the same time, I'll bet he doesn't hold by anyone's eiruv and only eats mehadrin min mehadrin min mehadrin.

  5. I would have expected a minimum requirement for someone commenting on a blog would be that they should have read the presented material and some of the linked items. Perhaps my assumptions were wrong.

  6. Му nudе pics hеrе

  7. Oh I see, thanks for pointing that out.
    The article was written in 2012 when Metzger was the Chief rabbi. But it is not written by him. Presumably the author was not aware of Metzger's various alleged irregularities.
    Doesn't change the gist of the article, as two wrongs don't make a right. (pot kettle or not)


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