Friday, February 18, 2022

Report accuses Reform movement youth director of sexual misconduct

The report also found that the movement had knowingly hired clergy who had been fired from congregations for sexual misconduct, but not out of a desire to shield rabbis from accountability. “Rather, these employment decisions resulted from sincerely held beliefs in redemption and the process of teshuvah,” the report says, referring to a Jewish concept akin to restorative justice.


  1. there is an aggadah that says that in the time of S'Dom and Amara, the perversions even spread to the animal kingdom, so they would mate with different species.
    Same holds true today, when there is so much immorality amongst yeshiva, RZ , Chareidi worlds, it also spreads out to Reform.

  2. Are you saying the reform are animals compared to frum people?

  3. maybe when otherwise frum peopel who keep halacha of things like kashrut, shabbat etc, beceom like beheimos in arayos, there is a ripple effect which goes out to conservative and reform.

    that is the mechanism in the midrash, albeit with other species.
    Why was the Beit Hamikdash destroyed? Avodah Zarah first time, but second time, frum people were lax in certain areas, eg sinnas chinnam.


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