Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Jury Rejects Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against New York Times


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin lost her libel lawsuit against The New York Times on Tuesday when a jury rejected her claim that the newspaper maliciously damaged her reputation by erroneously linking her campaign rhetoric to a mass shooting.

A judge had already declared that if the jury sided with Palin, he would set aside its verdict on the grounds that she hadn’t proven the paper acted maliciously, something required in libel suits involving public figures.


  1. “Jury Rejects Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against New York Times” Torah thought this week’s parsha כי תשא

    “Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said: Whoever is for the Lord, come hereאלי ! And all the Levites rallied to him ויאספו אליו כל בנמי לוי. He said to them: Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put sword on thigh, go back and forth from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay והרגו brother, neighbor, and kin. The Levites did as Moses had bidden; and some three thousand of the people fell that day. And Moses said: dedicate (lit. fill your hands) yourselves to the Lord this day---for each of you has been against son and brother---that He may bestow blessing upon you today.” (Exodus 32:26-29).
    שמות פרשת כי תשא פרק לב פסוק כט
    וַיֹּאמֶר מֹשֶׁה מִלְאוּ יֶדְכֶם הַיּוֹם לַיקֹוָק כִּי אִישׁ בִּבְנוֹ וּבְאָחִיו וְלָתֵת עֲלֵיכֶם הַיּוֹם בְּרָכָה:
    מדרש אגדה (בובר) שמות פרשת כי תשא פרק לב פסוק כט
    מלאו ידכם היום. צאו ידי חובתכם לעשות נקמה בחוטאים:
    דברים פרשת וזאת הברכה פרק לג פסוק ט
    הָאֹמֵר לְאָבִיו וּלְאִמּוֹ לֹא רְאִיתִיו וְאֶת אֶחָיו לֹא הִכִּיר וְאֶת בנו בָּנָיו לֹא יָדָע כִּי שָׁמְרוּ אִמְרָתֶךָ וּבְרִיתְךָ יִנְצֹרוּ:

    My theory. Capital punishment for worship of the Golden Calf, 3,000, after warning by 2 witnesses with saying even so.

    NYT won in Palin’s lawsuit because Palin failed to prove malicious intent. “Malicious intent is the intentional wrongful act against someone, without any just cause, thereby causing harm to the latter. The main elements of malicious intent include intent and will.”

    In Aranoff v Aranoff Judge Prus signed a fake/phony NYS civil divorce 2013 a full 20 years after the Israel divorce 2/17/1993 awarding the house and 55% TIAA pension to Susan. I have a good case against Judge Prus my SCOTUS 21-6561.

    Palin lost because she couldn’t prove malicious intent. Yes I consider the New York Times evil and criminal. Trump’s SCOTUS 21-932 is up for vote this Friday (along with my 21-6561). Yes I consider the House Committee evil and criminal.

  2. Can a judge really do that? "I've already decided they're not guilty so screw the jury?" What kind of precedent does that set?

  3. “Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against New York Times”
    What a parsha this week כי תשא. So many topics.So many Torah laws for all generations. Daf Hayomi Chagigah is fascinating. Garnel and IsraelReader don’t like what the judge said. The judge states the law. The jury decides the case. We saw this in Mendel Epstein et al.
    I write today to the NYS Court of Appeals:
    4.The only way to remove a judge is through the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct. The Appellate Division 2nd Department wrongly denied me poor person relief and wrongly made a motion on behalf of the court to my detriment. The Appellate Division 2nd Department knew well I claimed that the 2013 Judge Prus NYS Civil Divorce was bogus.
    Definition of bogus: not genuine : COUNTERFEIT, SHAM a bogus claim The evidence was completely bogus.
    The Appellate Division 2nd Department made these rulings after the bogus 2013 Prus NYS civil divorce me and Susan...
    5.In the recently concluded Palin v New York Times lawsuit Palin established that the New York Times wrote a bogus editorial on Palin filed with lies. This is a victory for Palin despite the judge and jury ruling. I seek a ruling that the bogus filled with lies Prus 2013 NYS civil divorce is null and void.

    Tomorrow SCOTUS rules on my 21-6561 and on Trump’s 21-932. Wow!.

  4. NYT apologized for the editorial and case was null because no intent to harm was shown - Palin did not get victory since she had no case

  5. And do you really believe for a second, if it was Kamila Harris suing the New York Post for a similar defamatory article, that the judge wouldn't hesitate to throw out any apologies and demand a guilty verdict?

  6. Torah thought this week’s parsha ויקהל “Take from among you gifts to unto the Lord, everyone whose heart so moves him shall bring them, gifts for the Lord: gold, silver, and copper;” (Exodus 35:5).
    שמות פרשת ויקהל פרק לה פסוק ה
    קְחוּ מֵאִתְּכֶם תְּרוּמָה לַיקֹוָק כֹּל נְדִיב לִבּוֹ יְבִיאֶהָ אֵת תְּרוּמַת יְקֹוָק זָהָב וָכֶסֶף וּנְחֹשֶׁת:
    רש"י שמות פרשת ויקהל פרק לה פסוק ה
    נדיב לבו - על שם שלבו נדבו קרויט נדיב לב. כבר פירשתי נדבת המשכן ומלאכתו במקום צואתן:
    Written so many times hearts moving donors in parshiot תרומה, תצוה, כי תשא and ויקהל. “And everyone who excelled in ability and everyone whose spirit moved him came, bringing to the Lord his offering for the work of the Tent of Meeting and for all its service and for the sacred vestments.” (Exodus 35:21).
    שמות פרשת ויקהל פרק לה פסוק כא
    וַיָּבֹאוּ כָּל אִישׁ אֲשֶׁר נְשָׂאוֹ לִבּוֹ וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר נָדְבָה רוּחוֹ אֹתוֹ הֵבִיאוּ אֶת תְּרוּמַת יְקֹוָק לִמְלֶאכֶת אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד וּלְכָל עֲבֹדָתוֹ וּלְבִגְדֵי הַקֹּדֶשׁ:
    רמב"ן שמות פרשת ויקהל פרק לה פסוק כא
    ויבאו כל איש אשר נשאו לבו - על החכמים העושים במלאכה יאמר כן, כי לא מצינו על המתנדבים נשיאות לב, אבל יזכיר בהם נדיבות, וטעם אשר נשאו לבו, לקרבה אל המלאכה, כי לא היה בהם שלמד את המלאכות האלה ממלמד, או מי שאימן בהן ידיו כלל, אבל מצא בטבעו שידע לעשות כן, ויגבה לבו בדרכי ה' לבא לפני משה לאמר לו אני אעשה כל אשר אדני דובר.

    My theory. We get supernatural powers when we say yes I can do it. We know well the opposite: just saying no I can’t do this I’m too tired and weak: makes us weak. I work out in a gym 3X a week and swim 6x a week. I try always to say: this is easy for me, thank you God in Heaven.

    My case Aranoff v Aranoff: yesterday was a national holiday. Maybe news today on Trump’s 21-932 and my 21-6561.

    I see that Biden/Harris has started sanctions against Putin to get Putin to back off. Likely Putin won’t back off. Likely damage to Russian, USA, Europe economies.

    Amazing that the 2 evil regimes that started WWII, Germany and Japan, became so strong economically post WWII.

    What will the evil regime in Iran do now?

    Likely big aliya to Israel, wonderful.

  7. “Jury Rejects Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against New York Times” Wow. Looks like Palin has no chance even at SCOTUS.

    Wow. Trump lost: “Supreme Court rejects Trump bid to shield Jan. 6 records
    Supreme Court formally ends Trump's bid to block release of White House records related to Capitol riots.”

    I also lost at SCOTUS: “Feb 22 2022 The motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is denied, and the petition for a writ of certiorari is dismissed. See Rule 39.8.”

    I wrote today to the NYS Court of Appeals:
    “2.This means that I can no longer send UPS letters to the US Supreme Court. My dear wife, Yemima, whom I married May 9, 1993 and gave birth to 3 girls, my daughters Hadassah, Tamar, and Sapphire Rivka, says good. Let me be clear. We have no intention to leave Israel. I was encouraged to write UPS letters to the NYS Court of Appeals thinking I can file petitions by UPS to the US Supreme Court. No more. I don't care about the house. I don't care about the $25,000 fines. All I want is my TIAA pension from here on. ERISA forbids such stealing of a person's pension.”

    Torah thought on this week’s parsha ויקהל. “Moses thereupon had this proclamation made through gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying: Let no man or woman make further effort toward gifts for the Sanctuary!. So the people stopped bringing.” (Exodus 36:6)
    שמות פרשת ויקהל פרק לו פסוק ו
    וַיְצַו מֹשֶׁה וַיַּעֲבִירוּ קוֹל בַּמַּחֲנֶה לֵאמֹר אִישׁ וְאִשָּׁה אַל יַעֲשׂוּ עוֹד מְלָאכָה לִתְרוּמַת הַקֹּדֶשׁ וַיִּכָּלֵא הָעָם מֵהָבִיא:

    Shabbath 96b
    “Consider: throwing is a derivative of carrying out: where is carrying out itself written? Said R. Johanan, Scripture saith, And Moses gave commandment, and they caused a proclamation to pass throughout the camp, [etc.]: now, where was Moses stationed? in the camp of the Levites, which was public ground [as everyone had to pass through to gain access to Moses], and he said to the Israelites, Do not carry out and fetch from your private dwellings into public ground.”

    The Talmud finds hints in the Chumash of Torah laws that come from God to Moses. This is a major theme in Chagigah daf hayomi. תורת ה' תמימה. No we never belittle the importance of hints the gamara cites in the Tanakh.


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