Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Is John Durham Deliberately Stoking Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories?

Special counsel John Durham’s investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia scandal has turned into a conspiracy-theory-generating machine for feverish right-wingers. And his latest filing raises the question of whether that is by design.
Putting together all the allegations and suggestions—a tech exec possibly tied to the Clinton campaign “exploiting” data related to the White House and Trump Tower—right-wing journalists reached a dramatic conclusion: The Clintonites hacked Trump at his home (or office) and at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and spied on him. But this leap was based on cyber ignorance and possibly misinformation presented by Durham.
Prosecutors have much discretion when it comes to telling the stories of their cases. They can stick to the narrow specifics of the allegations. They can elaborate. Through his tenure as special consul, Durham has chosen to use narrow indictments to disseminate information that suggests wider conspiracies. That ought to place a weighty burden on him to be fair and accurate—and to not feed any partisan conspiracy fever. Yet Durham’s latest filing falls short of that standard and fuels the suspicion that he might be more conspirator than investigator.

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