Thursday, February 17, 2022

Haredi MK: 'Liberman spat in the citizens' faces'

Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) on Tuesday will present a new economic plan for the haredi community, which will eliminate discounts on property tax, afternoon programs, and daycares for parents who do not work.

Under the new plan, the number of hours a parent can be studying instead of working and still receive discounts will be cut from 40 hours a week to 20 hours a week, and there will be financial incentives for haredi educational institutions which integrate the core curriculum.

MK Michael Malkieli, of the Sephardic-haredi Shas party, told 103 FM Radio, "If I would discover Liberman's economic policy - fine. But he chose specifically to hit the haredi sector."


  1. a Welfare state is not mean to be l'chatchila a welfare State, where by design, peopel do not pursue careers, and instead rely on the goodwill of the State .
    When has this ever happened before in history? The Leviim who worked full time in the Temple services had no real estate, and were supported by the other 11 tribes. It won't work when 50% of the population are Hareidi, or 90%.
    And it also won't work if the State is overrun by Iran and the Hezbolah proxies - which seems to be the preference of some Hareidim.

  2. I still don't get this. He's cutting their hours by half but maintaining their pay. That sounds like a 100% raise to me and they're complaining?
    >"If I would discover Liberman's economic policy - fine. But he chose specifically to hit the haredi sector.
    Fine, you find another sector where fathers actively encourage their sons to become welfare addicts, he'll target them too.

  3. he is not cutting their pay as such. he is cutting the benefits they get, eg tax free living, cheap childcare etc. He is punishing them if they learn more than 20 hours per week, by removing the benefits.

    There are 2 ends of a spectrum on how to view this. The Chareidi end will say this is like the Roman persecution of Torah, which Rabbi Akiva defied and was murdered for. The secular end will say, it is about time, they should not be treated like kings, when they don't serve in teh army, whereas we need to spend 3 years in the army, miluim every year, fight wars, and still pay for university and then work and pay taxes.

    Somewhere in the middle, it can be argued that the manna stopped in the Midbar, and was never meant to continue in Eretz Yisrael.

  4. Wow so Liberman decides what we need and what we value!

  5. If you are not happy with it, you should encourage your community to set up their own State. Call it Chareidarabia. Perhaps you can find a desert somewhere, set up a government, and then create learning settlements.
    And the roshei yeshiva can determine government policy.

  6. Love it or leave it! that is your understanding of democracy?!

  7. Oh democracy? Do you support that?
    The democracy wants to draft people into the army, and that's also rejected.

  8. Nope - democracy is will of people as expressed by laws passed - not your personal wish list!

  9. will of the group of people who can get a government elected. this changes each time there's an election. unfortunately, there was more opposition to bibi this time. so we have poorer quality of leadership.

  10. First of all, democracy is a foreign concept to Chareidim. No Chareidi community is a democracy, remember? It's all run by the Askan... I mean, the Gedolim.
    But second, yes Lieberman does decide what you need and what you value. Here's the thing. There are parasites and saprophytes. Saprophytes take without harming their host. Parasites take while harming their hosts. If the Chareidi community was perceived as saprophytic, they'd be left along. They are, and there are strong arguments to support this, perceived as parasites and the host is sick and tired of it. The average Israeli tunes into the news and sees the Chareidi leadership shouting "We won't serve in the army!" "We won't work for a living!" "You Seculars are evil and instead shouuld feel privileged to support us!" and they're tired of it. Now there's pushback and the same people who have been spitting at the Seculars are suddenly shocked - shocked! - that they're getting spit back.


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