Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Federal judge orders John Eastman to detail legal work for Trump

Eastman has tried to withhold the emails, held by his former employer Chapman University, by citing attorney-client and attorney work-product privileges.

Eastman became a central player in developing Trump’s legal strategy to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to unilaterally overturn the 2020 election on Jan. 6, 2021. Pence, who presided over a joint session of Congress that day required to finalize Joe Biden’s victory, ultimately refused to go along, despite pressure from Trump and his allies. But his decision inflamed a pro-Trump mob that had encircled the Capitol and preceded a violent breach that threatened the transfer of power.

Letter noted that Eastman has publicly described himself as Trump’s lawyer but has not specified whether the relationship was ever formalized by a retainer agreement or whether Eastman represented Trump himself, the presidency or the Trump campaign — or some combination. The answer could bear on which documents could be construed as legitimately privileged.

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