Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Support Letter of JRC of greater Manchester Beth Alexander

 7 February 2022

Mr Oskar Deutsch

IKG Wien

Email: office@ikg-wien.at

Dear Mr Deutsch


I write to you as the representative body of the Jewish community of Greater Manchester & Region. The Alexander family are prominent members of our community and we have been asked to intervene and proactively support the campaign to reunite Beth with her children.

I appeal to you as the head of the Austrian Jewish community to address this issue. In good conscience, I fail to see how a Jewish representative body can fail to understand the devastating effect this case has had on a mother and her children. I request the Austrian Jewish community look to proactively resolve this situation which is causing immense damage to all involved.

For the sake of the future mental health and wellbeing of her sons, Benjie and Sammy, this wrongful treatment of Beth Alexander needs to urgently cease. I am sure your voice as leader of the community is extremely powerful. As a result, I kindly request you advocate for a full and healthy relationship between Beth and her children.

If the JRC are able to support in any way, then please do not hesitate to be in touch.

Yours sincerely

Marc Levy

Chief Executive

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