Monday, February 7, 2022

Canadian Mayor Rips Ted Cruz Months After Australian Official Does Same

Months after an Australian minister slammed Senator Ted Cruz for criticizing the nation's COVID-19 vaccine mandates, the mayor of Vancouver also hit back against the Texas Republican for knocking the city's handling of the anti-mandate "Freedom Convoy" protest in Canada.

On Friday, Cruz responded to Kennedy's statement by tweeting: "Mayor says 'Vancouver doesn't want' truck drivers there. Folks might feel differently with empty shelves."

In response, Kennedy hit back against Cruz and noted that 90 percent of Canadian truckers are fully vaccinated.

"Can someone tell @tedcruz our store shelves are fine thanks to the 90% of Canadian truckers who are fully vaccinated. Too busy high-fiving all the awesome folks in #Vancouver that are helping push back against the #hateconvoy," Kennedy wrote.

1 comment :

  1. The Mayor of Vancouver is a pompous sanctimonious jerk who thinks that because his local boutique grocery store has full shelves then all grocery stores have full shelves.
    Truth is that outside of major metropolitan areas in Canada, most groceries are starting to have lots of empty shelves. But the Mayor doesn't shop there so they don't count.
    His own comments also work against him. Yes, 90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated and that was without government mandates. There also has not been a single outbreak caused by an unvaccinated American trucker dropping stuff off in Canada. In short, while I want them all vaccinated, being unvaccinated hasn't caused any damage to Canada. Again it's the government's condescending "We're just trying to keep you safe" attitude.


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